HomeNewsTop U.S. attorney finally weighs in on Trump and it's set Washington,...

Top U.S. attorney finally weighs in on Trump and it’s set Washington, D.C. ablaze


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Former President Trump is in the fight for his life in court. The ruling will change everything.

And now a top U.S. attorney has finally weighed in on Donald Trump with a stunning bombshell.

If it seems like there’s conveniently a bunch of legal cases “coming together” for the Left against former President Donald Trump during the 2024 presidential election cycle that he is the leading candidate for, you wouldn’t be alone. Not by a long shot.

Millions of Americans are suspicious about the timing of these legal cases being brought against Donald Trump, with most surveys of voters showing how, generally, Americans believe this all to be a political game.

Recently, one of the top constitutional lawyers of the nation and current professor of George Washington University, Jonathan Turley, defended Donald Trump against the Fake News Media talking heads who are utterly obsessed with hating on Trump.

Jonathan Turley, a law professor at George Washington University, criticized MSNBC host Nicolle Wallace on Tuesday for calling Republicans “conspiracy theorists,” noting several instances in which Wallace made untrue statements.

In an episode of Deadline: White House that aired on Monday, Wallace called Republicans “conspiracy theorists” and asserted that she would be taken off the air if former President Donald Trump were to win the 2024 election. Wallace’s remarks prompted Turley to respond in a blog post on Tuesday.

“It is not accurate to say everyone in the Republican Party is a conspiracy theorist but as with racists, all of the conspiracy theorists are Republicans,” Wallace said.

Turley stated, “It was a crushingly ironic moment.” Wallace has received a lot of flak for disseminating misleading information.

In his post, Turley cited Wallace’s assertion that the laptop belonging to Hunter Biden was a “Russian disinformation operation.” This assertion was also echoed in a letter dated October 2020, signed by numerous former intelligence officials, who stated that a shocking New York Post article containing emails from a purportedly abandoned laptop by Biden “has all the classic earmarks of a Russian information operation.”

Days have passed since the New York Post story from October 14, 2020, detailing the contents of a laptop left behind by Hunter Biden at a computer repair shop. Several of the materials that month were verified as real by independent sources.

The allegations that Trump’s 2016 campaign conspired with the Russian government to dethrone former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton were frequently exaggerated by Wallace and other MSNBC presenters and guests. Democratic Representative Adam Schiff of California was a frequent guest on MSNBC, where he often made charges regarding purported cooperation between the Trump campaign in 2016 and Russia.

Later on, the Steele dossier — which had been used to support more accusations of collusion — became discredited. Turley took aim at Wallace, who disregarded the special counsel John Durham’s findings, which showed how the FBI had neglected to thoroughly review the material before using it to secure warrants under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, which allowed them to monitor communications between former president Trump’s allies Carter Page and others during his campaign for the White House in 2016.

Furthermore, Turley stated “Wallace and MSNBC pushed the false story of border agents whipping migrants in Texas.” In April 2022, the agents implicated in the incident were found not guilty on all counts.

According to emails received from the Heritage Foundation in October 2022, Secretary of Homeland Security Mayorkas was aware that the press photographer present at the scene of the 2021 event refuted reports that Haitian refugees had been whipped by mounted Border Patrol agents.

According to Turley, “many on the left now routinely label opposing viewpoints as conspiracy theorists or disinformation spreaders. The Biden Administration has funded various groups to blacklist or bar those with opposing views as disinformation, malinformation, or misinformation.”

All of this goes to show how the Left wants to be the sole decision makers on who is a dangerous “conspiracy theorist” and who isn’t. For them, Donald Trump and his Republican and conservative supporters are dangerous conspiracy theorists because the political agendas they represent are contrary to that of the utopian (dystopian) vision of the radical Left.

There’s literally no evidence that Donald Trump wants to become a dictator in total control of the federal government until the day he dies, but that won’t stop the Fake News Media and the radical Left from trying to push this narrative and propaganda.

The Conservative Column will keep you updated on any major Donald Trump and 2024 election news.


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