HomeNewsTrump shoots Joe Biden with the silver bullet to end his campaign

Trump shoots Joe Biden with the silver bullet to end his campaign


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Donald Trump has had a masterful campaign so far. He’s making all the right moves.

And now Trump has shot Joe Biden with a silver bullet to end his campaign once and for all.

In Wisconsin, former President Donald Trump is currently leading President Joe Biden, according to a recent American Greatness poll shared with the Daily Caller News Foundation. The poll reveals that many voters believe immigration has negatively impacted the state’s quality of life.

The poll shows Trump ahead of Biden with 46% of the vote compared to Biden’s 44% in a direct matchup. This is a slight change from April, when the candidates were tied at 45%. Only 13% of likely voters felt that immigration had improved the state’s quality of life, while 34% said it had worsened it.

“Wisconsin figures to be a very tight race once again, as reflected by this new polling,” said Steve Cortes, a former senior advisor to President Trump and a polling consultant for American Greatness. “In such a close election, the more we highlight the damage of Biden’s open border, the more likely battleground state voters are to return Donald Trump to the White House.”

Wisconsin, which has traditionally voted for the Democratic presidential nominee since 1988, with the exception of Trump’s win in 2016, appears to be a critical battleground once again.

Additionally, 45% of respondents stated that immigration had “no real effect” on the quality of life in Wisconsin, while 8% were unsure. In Whitewater, a town of 15,000 residents that has welcomed up to 1,000 immigrants since 2022, 53% of respondents felt that immigration levels were “too high,” 29% believed they were “about right,” and 4% thought they were “too low.”

“Even thousands of miles away from the US border, Biden’s reckless, radical border policies are firmly rejected by supermajorities of citizens,” Cortes told the DCNF. “Sensible Wisconsin voters know that Biden and Harris and Mayorkas prioritize unvetted foreign migrants over American citizens, and they demand a return to law-and-order.”

Since Biden took office, Customs and Border Protection (CBP) has encountered over seven million migrants entering the country illegally. In his first year, Biden issued nearly 300 executive actions on immigration, 89 of which reversed or began to reverse Trump’s policies, according to the Migration Policy Institute.

The poll also questioned likely voters about Biden’s mental and physical fitness for office, with 65% saying Biden is not capable of serving another term, up from 57% in April. Nearly half of the respondents, 48%, believe Biden is making his own official decisions, while 31% think it is First Lady Jill Biden.

The American Greatness poll included about six hundred likely Wisconsin voters from July 6 to July 10 and has a margin of error of plus or minus 4%.

Immigration: The Ultimate Trump Card

Immigration has been a major contributing factor to Donald Trump’s political success so far. It was absolutely critical in his 2016 win and was also critical in a negative way for his 2020 “loss” to Democrat Joe Biden.

In 2016, the issue of immigration was a major concern for Americans everywhere. Donald Trump was the only one trying to put forward solutions to the problem, rather than trying to explain it away as the political class has tried for years and years.

Hillary Clinton was the darling of that political class. She was everything that Donald Trump wasn’t in 2016. So Americans had a clear choice between the two and they largely resonated with Donald Trump. That’s why they ultimately went with him and ended Hillary’s political career once and for all.

In 2020, the optics were entirely different. The nation was dealing with a pandemic panic that no one knew how to handle. Immigration was not a major discussion point for all Americans anymore. It was still important and on the minds of plenty of conservative Americans, but so many independents were thinking about their jobs, feeding their families, and the pandemic. It was total chaos.

Without that issue, which has been core to Donald Trump’s success, it was harder for Trump to connect with the American people. Even despite that, the 2020 election was still razor close and even the tiniest of shifts in voter behavior would have handed Donald Trump an electoral college win.

Now, in 2024, immigration is once again a major issue that’s on the minds of Americans. There’s no pandemic nonsense for Democrats to run on. There’s no hiding behind George Floyd nonsense. Joe Biden has to show results, but he’s not. Donald Trump is absolutely destroying Joe Biden in surveys of voters on the issue of immigration.

Should Donald Trump win as he is likely to at this point in time, it’s no surprise that immigration is an issue that continues to be a major boon for Donald Trump and the Republicans and a thorn in the side of the Democrats.

The Conservative Column will keep you updated on any major immigration news.


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