HomeNewsIllegal Immigrants put children’s lives in danger after this horrifying incident

Illegal Immigrants put children’s lives in danger after this horrifying incident


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The radical Left has been supportive of wide open borders regardless of the consequences. But now, maybe they will have to rethink things.

Because illegal immigrants put children’s lives in danger after this horrifying incident.

In a shocking and deeply concerning development, two school bus routes in California were interrupted this week as groups of illegal immigrants attempted to board the buses. This alarming incident underscores the growing dangers posed by the unchecked illegal immigration crisis that has spiraled out of control under the Biden-Harris administration.

As the southern border remains wide open, the safety of American children is now at risk, even on their way to school.

In an email to families, Superintendent Liz Bystedt of the Jamul-Dulzura Union School District revealed the disturbing events that took place along the district’s A and B school bus routes.

On Tuesday afternoon, a group of three men, identified as illegal immigrants, were seen walking in the middle of Highway 94, near the intersection with Cochera Via, attempting to stop a school bus. The bus, filled with children, was forced to swerve around the group, narrowly avoiding what could have been a catastrophic situation.

The very next morning, the situation escalated. On Route B, a group of about 20 illegal immigrants attempted to board a school bus as it was picking up students from the same stop. Thanks to the quick actions of concerned parents who were present, the bus driver was able to prevent the illegal immigrants from boarding.

The incidents were immediately reported to the U.S. Border Patrol, California Highway Patrol, and San Diego County Sheriff’s Department, who have since launched investigations.

Kimberly King, a spokesperson for the Sheriff’s Department, emphasized the seriousness of the situation in a statement: “The San Diego Sheriff’s Office was made aware of this incident today. We are conducting a follow-up investigation to determine if a criminal act has occurred. The Sheriff’s Office takes issues regarding student safety very seriously and is working with the school district to keep the students and our community safe.”

In response to these terrifying incidents, Superintendent Bystedt informed parents that, for the safety of students and bus drivers, buses will now bypass stops if illegal immigrants are spotted nearby. She urged parents to stay vigilant and to follow the bus to the next stop if it drives past their designated stop.

These disturbing incidents in California are not isolated events but rather symptoms of a much larger problem — the complete failure of the Biden-Harris administration to secure our borders and protect American citizens.

Since taking office, President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris have systematically dismantled the effective border policies implemented by the Trump administration, leading to an unprecedented surge in illegal immigration.

Under the Trump administration, the border was more secure than it had been in decades. The construction of the border wall, the implementation of the “Remain in Mexico” policy, and strict enforcement measures significantly reduced illegal crossings and restored order to our immigration system.

However, the Biden-Harris administration, in their quest to appease the far-Left, immediately reversed these policies, sending a clear message to the world that America’s borders are open.

The consequences have been disastrous. Since Biden and Harris took office, over 10 million people have crossed the border illegally, with an estimated 1.7 million “gotaways” evading capture altogether. These numbers are unprecedented and reflect the complete chaos that has ensued under their watch.

The impact of this border crisis is not limited to the southern border states — it is being felt in communities across the nation, and now, as we see in California, it is endangering our children. The incidents involving illegal immigrants attempting to board school buses are a stark reminder that this crisis is not just a political issue; it is a serious threat to the safety and security of American families.

The very idea that illegal immigrants, who have no right to be in this country, could come into such close contact with our children is terrifying. School buses, which should be safe havens for our kids, are now being targeted. This is not just a matter of border security — it is a matter of protecting our children from potential harm.

The Biden-Harris administration’s inaction in the face of this crisis is nothing short of a betrayal of American families. Despite the clear and present danger posed by the ongoing surge in illegal immigration, the administration has done nothing to address the root causes of the problem.

Instead, they have doubled down on their open-border policies, leaving communities like Jamul-Dulzura to deal with the consequences.

What is even more infuriating is that this administration continues to prioritize the rights of illegal immigrants over the safety of American citizens. The decision to halt the construction of the border wall, end the “Remain in Mexico” policy, and roll back other critical enforcement measures has made it easier for illegal immigrants to enter and remain in this country illegally. And now, as we see in California, it is our children who are paying the price.

The incidents in California should serve as a wake-up call to all Americans. We cannot afford to ignore the dangers posed by illegal immigration any longer. It is time for the Biden-Harris administration to take responsibility for the crisis they have created and take immediate action to secure our borders.

We need to reinstate the policies that worked under the Trump administration — finish the border wall, restore the “Remain in Mexico” policy, and enforce our immigration laws with the full force of the federal government. Most importantly, we need to prioritize the safety and security of American citizens, especially our children.

The American people deserve leaders who will stand up for their safety and put their interests first. The Biden-Harris administration has shown that they are unwilling or unable to do so. It is time for a change in leadership, and it is time to reclaim our nation’s borders.

The events in California are a chilling reminder of the consequences of the Biden-Harris administration’s failed border policies. Illegal immigration is not just a problem for border states — it is a threat to the safety and security of every American community. The fact that our children are now being endangered by illegal immigrants attempting to board school buses is unacceptable.

As we head into the next election, the American people must remember who has failed to protect them and who has fought to secure our borders. We need leaders who will take decisive action to end the border crisis and ensure that our children can go to school without fear.

Stay tuned to the Conservative Column.


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