HomeNewsHarris campaign accidentally reveals a shocking secret about their plans

Harris campaign accidentally reveals a shocking secret about their plans


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The Harris campaign’s plans have been under wraps for weeks. But now the truth is out.

And the Harris campaign has accidentally revealed a shocking secret about their plans.

In a move that should shock no one paying attention to her political career, Kamala Harris has once again demonstrated her lack of originality and leadership by copying portions of her newly released “Issues” page on her campaign website directly from Joe Biden’s failed 2024 campaign.

With Harris now vying to become the next president, her lack of distinct policy vision is laid bare for all to see, as her campaign seems more focused on plagiarizing than presenting fresh ideas for America’s future.

On Tuesday, the truth about Kamala Harris’s lackluster campaign was revealed when it came to light that portions of her website’s “Issues” page had been directly copied from Joe Biden’s own campaign page.

According to The New Republic, the source code from Harris’s website exposed this embarrassing revelation, showcasing how her campaign is little more than a continuation of Biden’s failed presidency. This isn’t just a case of lazy politics — this is a symptom of Harris’s inability to lead or craft original policies that address the concerns of everyday Americans.

It gets worse. An eagle-eyed social media user, Corrine Green, pointed out that metadata embedded in Harris’s website still urged voters to “re-elect Joe Biden today,” even though Biden officially dropped out of the race in July after bowing to pressure from his own party.

For weeks, the metadata remained, proving once again that Harris’s campaign is nothing more than a rehash of Biden’s disastrous leadership.

By Monday morning, her campaign quietly changed the metadata, but the damage was already done. Voters now have even more proof that Kamala Harris offers nothing new or substantive as a candidate. Her campaign is an echo chamber of Biden’s failed policies, and her lack of distinctiveness will only serve to further alienate the American public.

Even more revealing is the fact that Harris had no concrete policy platform for weeks after announcing her run for president. Her campaign has been a muddled mess from the start, with no clear vision or leadership. After nearly two months of silence, Harris finally unveiled her policy plans — and, unsurprisingly, they are nothing more than regurgitated Biden policies.

Her platform includes price controls on food and groceries, a border bill that continues to allow at least 1.4 million illegal immigrants into the country annually, a ban on assault weapons and high-capacity magazines, and a $25,000 down payment program for first-time homebuyers. Sound familiar? It should — these are virtually the same policies that Joe Biden championed during his own campaign.

These tired ideas offer no real solutions for the challenges facing America. Price controls have never worked, and they won’t work now. Harris’s border policies are more of the same disastrous strategies that have led to a surge in illegal immigration and a crisis at the southern border.

Her assault weapons ban and high-capacity magazine restrictions only serve to infringe upon the Second Amendment rights of law-abiding citizens while doing nothing to address the root causes of violence. Meanwhile, her down payment program is nothing more than an ineffective, government-run handout that won’t solve the housing affordability crisis.

Polls show that the American people are tired of the failed policies of the Biden-Harris administration. A recent New York Times poll found that 60 percent of likely voters believe the next president should represent a “major departure” from Joe Biden.

Yet Kamala Harris, who has been Biden’s right-hand woman for over three years, continues to push the same stale ideas. Only 25 percent of voters believe Harris represents the change America needs, while 53 percent say Donald Trump is the candidate who can bring about the needed departure from the disastrous policies of the Biden era.

Despite her policies being nearly identical to Biden’s, Harris has desperately tried to distance herself from him. She knows full well that the Biden-Harris administration is deeply unpopular, and her advisors have been scrambling to create some separation. According to Axios, Harris’s advisors admitted back in August that she wanted to “break with Biden on issues on which he’s unpopular.”

But here’s the problem — her actions don’t match her words. How can she claim to represent change when her entire platform is built on the same failed policies of the administration she’s been a part of?

It’s a feeble attempt at rebranding, but the American people aren’t buying it. Harris is trying to walk a tightrope, attempting to distance herself from Biden while still clinging to the progressive policies that have defined her career. The result is a confusing, directionless campaign that offers no real solutions to the challenges facing the nation.

Let’s be clear: Kamala Harris’s entire political career has been marked by empty promises and blatant hypocrisy. Whether it’s her flip-flopping on criminal justice issues, her radical positions on immigration, or her newfound embrace of the same failed policies that sunk Joe Biden’s presidency, Harris has proven time and time again that she has no real principles.

Back in 2019, Harris was rated by GovTrack as the most liberal senator in Congress. Now, as she runs for president, her advisors are trying to paint her as a moderate who has evolved thanks to her experience in the White House. But Americans should see through this façade. Harris isn’t evolving — she’s merely recalculating, hoping to deceive voters into thinking she’s something she’s not.

Axios reported that part of Harris’s plan is to “unapologetically change some of her more liberal positions” in an attempt to appeal to the broader electorate. But is this genuine growth, or is it just political convenience? If the past three years of the Biden-Harris administration have taught us anything, it’s that Harris will say or do whatever it takes to gain power, even if it means betraying the very principles she once championed.

Kamala Harris’s campaign has been exposed for what it truly is: a continuation of Joe Biden’s failed presidency. Her policies are nothing more than carbon copies of the same disastrous ideas that have brought America to the brink of economic collapse, border chaos, and foreign policy failures.

Harris wants to distance herself from Biden, but her plagiarism and identical platform make it clear that she is no different from the man she seeks to replace. America doesn’t need more of the same failed policies. It needs bold leadership, fresh ideas, and a commitment to restoring the values that made this country great.

As Harris continues her campaign of deception, the American people should remember that a vote for her is a vote for Joe Biden’s third term. And after witnessing the damage inflicted by the Biden-Harris administration, it’s clear that America can’t afford four more years of their disastrous leadership.

Stay tuned to the Conservative Column.


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