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Hamas found targeting radical American groups for support


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The terrorist group has been losing support across the nation. But many people in America still seem bent on supporting them.

And Hamas has been found targeting radical American groups for support.

In a move that has sent shockwaves through activist circles, the New Tolerance Campaign (NTC) is challenging groups like “Qu**rs for Palestine” to back up their support for Palestinian causes by hosting a g*y pride parade in Gaza or the West Bank.

NTC is offering a staggering $1 million to any such group willing to organize the event, calling attention to the glaring contradiction in the alliance between pro-Palestine protesters and LGBTQ advocates.

This bold offer is not just a media stunt, but a legitimate challenge, according to NTC President Gregory T. Angelo, who once served as the president of the Log Cabin Republicans, an organization that represents LGBTQ conservatives.

In an interview with Fox News Digital, Angelo made it clear that the campaign’s purpose is to expose the hypocrisy of groups like “Qu**rs for Palestine” that align with radical anti-Israel factions, despite the fact that LGBTQ rights are all but non-existent in Palestinian territories and across the broader Muslim world.

“I don’t want people to just shrug off this campaign as some kind of publicity stunt or something that is supposed to be comical. It actually is a legitimate offer,” Angelo said. “This campaign emerged to call out these purported advocates of LGBT equality and put our money where their mouths are.” He stressed that this is a wake-up call for anyone ignoring the harsh realities of life for LGBTQ individuals under regimes like Hamas, which governs Gaza.

Since the Hamas-led attacks on Israel on October 7, 2023, anti-Israel groups and pro-Palestinian protesters have been particularly visible. Among them, the puzzling presence of LGBTQ groups like “Qu**rs for Palestine” has raised eyebrows.

These groups, which often have the backing of prominent LGBTQ activists and organizations, have thrown their support behind the Palestinian cause, either unaware or willfully ignorant of the fact that homos*xuality is illegal in many Muslim-majority countries, including Gaza and the West Bank. Under Hamas rule, being openly g*y can result in imprisonment, torture, and even execution.

This is where the $1 million challenge becomes more than a political statement — it’s a direct confrontation of the incoherent narratives being peddled by Left-wing activists. Angelo points out that in the United States, LGBTQ individuals enjoy significant legal protections, such as the right to marry, protection from job discrimination, and the freedom to express their identities without fear of violence or state repression.

None of these rights exist in the Palestinian territories, where homos*xuality is not only discouraged but often brutally punished.

“Here in the United States, we have protection from job discrimination for g*y and trans individuals that came through a Supreme Court ruling. Same-s*x marriage is the law of the land in all 50 states. And just more generally, aside from legislation, we have a country that welcomes people of all faiths and family types,” Angelo told Fox News. The contrast with places like Gaza, where LGBTQ people live in constant fear, could not be starker.

Hamas, the Islamist organization that has governed Gaza since 2007, operates under a strict interpretation of Sharia law, which condemns homos*xuality. G*y Palestinians are often forced to flee their homes, and those who are caught are subjected to arrest, torture, and, in some cases, public executions.

Yet, despite these well-documented atrocities, LGBTQ activists in the West have chosen to ignore the plight of their peers in these territories.

The $1 million challenge from the New Tolerance Campaign is intended to draw attention to these contradictions. The offer stands: If “Qu**rs for Palestine” or any similar group can host a g*y pride parade in Gaza or the West Bank, NTC will award them the money. But Angelo is doubtful that anyone will take them up on it, given the near-certainty of violent retribution from Hamas or other militant groups.

Angelo went on to explain that many on the American Left fail to distinguish between the treatment of LGBTQ individuals in the U.S. and the brutal reality of life for g*ys and l*sbians in Palestinian territories. “On the left in the United States, all oppression is the same oppression. And I think the left, quite to their disservice, lumps everything from racial discrimination to s*xual orientation discrimination to gender discrimination to Islamophobia all under the same umbrella. That’s certainly not the case,” Angelo said.

The NTC is preparing to make sure that this challenge doesn’t go unnoticed. According to Angelo, the organization is launching targeted ad campaigns at key locations known for harboring Left-wing activism. Ads are set to appear at Columbia University in New York City, the headquarters of the Human Rights Campaign in Washington, D.C., and UCLA in Los Angeles.

“Obviously, the $1 million prize is something that is flashy. It was designed to get attention; it was designed to turn heads. But the greater drive behind this project is one of equality and broad human rights,” Angelo said. The intention is to force Left-wing activists to confront the uncomfortable truth that LGBTQ rights are virtually non-existent in the places they claim to support.

Anti-Israel groups that march under banners like “Qu**rs for Palestine” must face the reality of the regimes they are implicitly supporting. The notion of holding a g*y pride parade in Gaza or the West Bank is laughable precisely because of the brutal repression LGBTQ individuals face in those territories. And yet, many on the Left are unwilling to acknowledge this glaring hypocrisy.

This $1 million challenge highlights a broader problem within the American Left: selective outrage. For many activists, the “oppressor” in every situation is the same, regardless of the actual facts on the ground.

Israel is cast as the villain, while groups like Hamas are portrayed as freedom fighters, even though their values are in direct conflict with the progressive causes these activists claim to champion.

By launching this campaign, the New Tolerance Campaign is calling out the absurdity of this alliance. “Qu**rs for Palestine” and their supporters are living in a fantasy world, one where they can conveniently ignore the reality of life under Islamist rule. The truth is, no LGBTQ parade could ever take place in Gaza or the West Bank without severe consequences.

The New Tolerance Campaign is daring these activists to put their money where their mouths are — or admit that they are fighting for a cause that fundamentally opposes the very rights they claim to defend.

The New Tolerance Campaign’s $1 million challenge isn’t just a flashy offer — it’s a serious test of the Left’s commitment to human rights. Will groups like “Qu**rs for Palestine” step up and confront the reality of life for LGBTQ individuals in Gaza, or will they continue to march alongside those who would see them imprisoned or worse?

Stay tuned to the Conservative Column.


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