HomeNewsThe United States just took a nose dive towards World War III...

The United States just took a nose dive towards World War III and Americans are getting worried


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Biden and Kamala aren’t making us safer. They’re destroying our borders and lighting the world on fire.

And the United States just took a nose dive towards World War III and Americans are getting worried.

The United States is “sleepwalking” toward a catastrophic global conflict, with its top adversaries forming an alliance of “malign partnerships.”

Experts are raising the alarm, warning that neither the U.S. military nor its citizens are ready for the looming threat of World War III.

In late July, a group of national security experts — first assembled by Congress in 2022 under the Commission on the National Defense Strategy — released their damning evaluation of the Biden administration’s two-year-old security blueprint.

Their findings? After decades of post-Cold War mismanagement, reckless defense cuts, and shortsighted policies, the U.S. is “not prepared” to take on China in open warfare, let alone fight a multi-front conflict against China, Iran, North Korea, and Russia.

The commission, which included both Republicans and Democrats with experience in the Clinton, Bush, and Obama administrations, made clear that the blame doesn’t fall on any single administration.

Instead, this is the failure of an entire generation of leaders who neglected to recognize and combat the mounting threat posed by authoritarian regimes. Worse yet, they failed to explain the severity of the situation to the American public.

These experts highlighted the unprecedented scale of the threat, with Europe embroiled in the largest land war since 1945 — Russia’s invasion of Ukraine — while China, Iran, and North Korea provide Moscow with support. Meanwhile, the Middle East teeters on the edge of state-on-state warfare, and the potential for conflict in the Indo-Pacific region remains a looming disaster.

Ambassador Eric Edelman, vice-chair of the 2024 commission, didn’t mince words: “There’s been a generalized failure across our political class in educating the American public of the severity of these threats.”

He ominously referenced historical catastrophes like Pearl Harbor and 9/11, stressing that America has often only acted after disaster strikes. “Perhaps we can draw from some different lessons in history.”

The commission pointed to decades of declining defense spending as a major culprit. Once, the U.S. allocated nearly 17% of its GDP to defense, but today that figure has plummeted to a meager 3%. The experts warned that this pitiful investment won’t cut it against adversaries like China.

After reviewing war games, they found that even with the ramp-up in weapons production following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, the U.S. would burn through its munitions in just three to four weeks in a war with Beijing. Some crucial munitions, such as anti-ship missiles, would last only days. Replenishing these stocks would take years.

Edelman cautioned that this dire situation shouldn’t lead to pulling the plug on aid to Ukraine. After all, a direct war with China or Russia would be even more devastating — let alone a world war like those of the 20th century. “Preparing ourselves for defense is essentially an effort to deter conflict,” he said. “Whatever the cost of defense is going to be, it’s going to be paltry in comparison to what the cost of a war would be.”

The commission emphasized that throwing money at the defense budget isn’t enough. “There needs to be a shift in culture,” they said. Mara Rudman, who served in the Clinton and Obama administrations, pointed to China’s long-term strategic moves — such as the Belt and Road Initiative and their domination of critical mineral processing, which has given them a technological edge over the U.S. “That’s something we need to overcome,” she warned.

Meanwhile, isolationist sentiment continues to grow in Republican circles, with some voices pushing for less U.S. involvement abroad. Experts warn this is reminiscent of America’s pre-World War II mindset — a dangerous path that could lead to another global conflict if it isn’t corrected. “It’s going to require leadership, and it’s going to require educating the American public,” Edelman stressed.

The bipartisan commission agreed: Americans need to be better informed and trusted to make decisions about their nation’s security. Both the Biden administration and the Trump campaign have been briefed on the commission’s findings.

While Biden and Harris have yet to comment, former President Donald Trump dismissed the report as “stupid” at a rally in late August, leading experts to question whether he had even been fully briefed.

John Hannah, a senior fellow at JINSA and former Bush administration official, was stark in his conclusion: “I really think it’s impossible to read the report… and not believe that we are as a nation… sleepwalking into a great and potentially historic catastrophe.” He added, “We do not have our Churchill at the moment.”

The commission has done its job by sounding the alarm. Now, it’s up to America’s leaders to step up and prepare the nation for what may lie ahead.

Stay tuned to the Conservative Column.


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