HomeNewsLiberal governor refuses to condemn horrific radical attack from within her own...

Liberal governor refuses to condemn horrific radical attack from within her own party


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The radical Left is known for its supposed tolerance. But their tolerance comes in a dangerous form.

And now a liberal governor has refused to condemn horrific radical actions, and her own party is shocked.

In a troubling display of political cowardice, Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer declined to support her own attorney general, Dana Nessel, during a Sunday interview on CNN’s State of the Union.

Whitmer’s refusal to back Nessel came after Nessel, who is Jewish, faced anti-Semitic accusations from far-Left Michigan Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib (D-MI). Tlaib, a frequent critic of Israel, accused Nessel of being biased in her prosecution of a group of pro-Palestinian protesters at the University of Michigan.

Tlaib’s remarks were not only inflammatory but steeped in the kind of anti-Semitic rhetoric that has become disturbingly common in certain segments of the Democratic Party. Yet, rather than standing up for her attorney general, Whitmer opted to remain neutral, sending a weak message about her priorities and further deepening the Democratic Party’s ongoing problem with anti-Semitism within its ranks.

The controversy erupted when Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel filed charges against 11 protesters from a far-Left, pro-Palestinian group at the University of Michigan. The individuals were charged with serious offenses, including attempted ethnic intimidation and assaulting or obstructing a police officer.

Instead of supporting Nessel’s commitment to upholding the law, Tlaib responded with baseless and offensive accusations, claiming that Nessel’s decision to prosecute the protesters was driven by her Jewish faith and support for Israel.

Tlaib’s accusation was nothing short of a blatant attempt to smear Nessel’s integrity and professionalism based solely on her religion. “It seems that the attorney general decided, if the issue was Palestine, she was going to treat it differently, and that alone speaks volumes about possible biases within the agency she runs,” Tlaib said.

This was a clear insinuation that Nessel’s Jewish identity somehow disqualified her from making unbiased legal decisions regarding anything related to Israel or Palestine — an accusation rooted in age-old anti-Semitic tropes.

Nessel, to her credit, did not back down. She firmly rejected Tlaib’s vile insinuations, stating, “Rashida Tlaib should not use my religion to imply I cannot perform my job fairly as attorney general. It’s antisemitic and wrong.” Nessel’s response was powerful and necessary, calling out Tlaib’s anti-Semitic rhetoric for what it was. Unfortunately, she did not receive the same level of support from Michigan’s top Democrat.

During the CNN interview, host Jake Tapper gave Governor Whitmer not one, but two opportunities to support Nessel and condemn Tlaib’s anti-Semitic comments. Shockingly, Whitmer refused to take a stand.

When asked about the incident, Whitmer sidestepped the question entirely, saying, “I’m not going to get in the middle of this argument that they’re having.” Whitmer’s weak response was not only disappointing, but it also raised serious questions about her leadership and willingness to stand up against anti-Semitism.

Tapper, recognizing the gravity of the situation, pressed Whitmer again, reminding her that Tlaib’s accusations were serious and required a response. Whitmer, however, doubled down on her noncommittal stance, repeating, “Like I said, Jake, I’m not going to get in the middle of this argument.”

For Whitmer to equate a blatant anti-Semitic attack on Michigan’s Jewish attorney general with an “argument” is not only insulting to Nessel, but to Jewish Americans across the country. Whitmer’s refusal to condemn Tlaib’s remarks is emblematic of a larger problem within the Democratic Party — one where anti-Semitism is tolerated or downplayed when it comes from within their own ranks.

Whitmer’s failure to defend Nessel is just the latest chapter in the Democratic Party’s growing problem with anti-Semitism. In recent years, far-Left members of the party like Rashida Tlaib, Ilhan Omar, and others have repeatedly made anti-Semitic comments and taken anti-Israel positions with little to no consequence from party leadership.

Instead of forcefully condemning these remarks, Democrats have either looked the other way or offered mealy-mouthed excuses for their behavior.

Tlaib, in particular, has been a repeat offender. She has frequently made inflammatory remarks about Israel and has promoted the Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions (BDS) movement, which seeks to delegitimize and economically isolate the Jewish state. Yet, despite her long history of problematic rhetoric, Tlaib continues to enjoy widespread support from progressive Democrats, and there has been little effort to hold her accountable.

This reluctance to call out anti-Semitism when it comes from within their own party speaks volumes about the Democratic Party’s priorities. Rather than taking a firm stand against hatred and bigotry, Democrats like Whitmer are more concerned with protecting their political alliances and avoiding conflict with the far-Left wing of the party. This approach is not only morally wrong, but it also emboldens individuals like Tlaib to continue spewing their toxic, divisive rhetoric.

Whitmer’s refusal to defend Nessel cannot be seen as anything other than a calculated political move. By refusing to take sides, Whitmer is clearly trying to avoid alienating Tlaib and her far-Left base ahead of the 2024 election.

Michigan, a key battleground state, has a large progressive contingent that Whitmer and the Democratic Party need to win over if they hope to retain control in the state. Whitmer’s silence on Tlaib’s anti-Semitism is a clear indication that she values political expediency over principle.

But this approach is not without risk. While Whitmer may think she is protecting her political future by avoiding conflict with the far-Left, her failure to stand up against anti-Semitism could have lasting consequences. Michigan voters — both Jewish and non-Jewish alike — are watching closely. Whitmer’s decision to remain neutral in this situation may come back to haunt her, as voters may question her ability to lead with integrity and stand up for what is right, even when it’s politically inconvenient.

Governor Whitmer’s refusal to back her own attorney general in the face of anti-Semitic attacks is nothing short of disgraceful. In a moment where true leadership was required, Whitmer chose the path of political cowardice, putting her own political interests above the need to stand up against bigotry and hatred.

Dana Nessel, by contrast, showed real courage in calling out Tlaib’s remarks for what they were: anti-Semitic and wrong. It is unfortunate that Nessel, one of the highest-ranking officials in Michigan’s government, has not received the full support of her governor during this critical time.

The Democratic Party’s growing tolerance for anti-Semitism within its own ranks is a problem that cannot be ignored. Leaders like Whitmer have a responsibility to confront this issue head-on, but as we saw in this interview, political convenience too often trumps moral courage.

Americans of all backgrounds should be alarmed by Whitmer’s failure to act. If the governor of a key swing state cannot bring herself to condemn anti-Semitism when it’s right in front of her, what does that say about the future of the Democratic Party? What does that say about the future of our country?

Stay tuned to the Conservative Column.


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