HomeNewsJoe Biden's campaign receives devastating news from a crucial battleground state

Joe Biden’s campaign receives devastating news from a crucial battleground state


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President Biden’s campaign isn’t exactly going well. But it’s about to get a lot worse.

Because his campaign has received devastating news from this crucial battleground state.

If you take a look at the 2020 election results, Joe Biden’s “win” (wink, wink) was super close. Probably closer than most realize as Joe Biden keeps parading around the popular vote gap he had over Donald Trump as if that’s what ultimately matters.

When you take a look at how fragile his electoral college win was, it’s fairly shocking. He won so many close battleground states that ultimately gave him the win.

But this time around, it’s all different. He’s the incumbent and Americans don’t have the same view of him anymore as when he was just running for president for the first time. His approval ratings at the start of his tenure were pretty great, but it didn’t take long for Americans to sour on him entirely. Today, his approval ratings sit in the 20s or 30s depending on which pollster you ask.

That may not even be his biggest issue, however. The true roadblock to Joe Biden’s re-election efforts might be who he’s up against, but not Donald Trump. Rather, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., who is running an independent campaign for president.

To be clear, it’s highly unlikely Robert F. Kennedy Jr. ever sniffs anything close to a victory this November. That’s not what’s important. What’s important is that he’s performing better than any other independent in recent memory, and the experts all agree he’s going to primarily siphon votes away from Mr. Biden.

In fact, in one critical battleground state that Joe Biden almost certainly needs to win, RFK Jr. is now going to be officially appearing on the ballots.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr., an independent candidate for president, declared his inclusion on the 2024 ballot in Michigan, a crucial battleground state. Partnered with Nicole Shanahan, he received the nomination from the Natural Law Party, solidifying their presence on Michigan’s ballot. Additionally, Kennedy’s campaign is progressing towards ballot access in several other states such as Utah, North Carolina, New Hampshire, and others.

Doug Dern, Chairman of the Natural Law Party, lauded Kennedy’s qualifications, labeling him as the most adept candidate in contemporary American history. The campaign’s effort in Michigan was confirmed by the secretary of state’s office, emphasizing Kennedy’s potential positive impact on the state, particularly his commitment to environmental causes, a vital concern for Michigan given its substantial freshwater resources.

In the last election cycle, Michigan witnessed a narrow victory margin, with President Biden edging out former President Trump by a mere 154,000 votes. Trump’s lead in the RealClearPolitics average is indicative of a competitive landscape, where every candidate’s presence on the ballot could alter the dynamics. Kennedy’s candidacy, in particular, affects Trump’s margin against Biden, highlighting the significance of third-party contenders in shaping electoral outcomes.

Kennedy’s campaign is poised to achieve nationwide ballot access, with plans to secure spots in all 50 states. Press Secretary Stefanie Spear emphasized their preparedness and determination, asserting their readiness to meet campaign milestones and expand their presence across various states. Weekly announcements of new states joining their ballot access efforts are anticipated as they strive towards comprehensive nationwide inclusion.

“We are exceeding all our benchmarks and will announce new states each week,” Spear shared with reporters.

Many outlets have noted that Michigan is looking to be a harder and harder get for Joe Biden and the Democrats this time around for a few reasons.

First of all, Michigan is historically more sensitive than other states in the Union to downturns in the economy. With a poor Joe Biden economy in view heading into the general election season, this factor alone is enough to potentially flip back to Donald Trump.

Secondly, the voters in Michigan have grown extremely skeptical of Joe Biden’s handling of foreign affairs lately, particularly when it comes to the Israel-Palestine issue that’s dominated the news since October of last year.

Many former Joe Biden voters are pledging their support for other candidates this go around, with some saying that Donald Trump would do a better job of promoting peace in the region for all parties than Joe Biden has.

All the recent polls coming out of Michigan have Donald Trump up by anywhere from two to eight points over Democrat President Joe Biden.

The Conservative Column will keep you updated on any major 2024 election news.


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