HomeNewsMassive Democrat voting bloc turns back on their own party

Massive Democrat voting bloc turns back on their own party


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The radical Left is losing support faster than they can deal with. But this new development could put the nail in the coffin.

And a massive Democrat voting bloc has turned their back on their own party.

A recent poll has shown former President Donald Trump surging ahead of Vice President Kamala Harris among Teamsters union members across all 50 states.

Despite the International Brotherhood of Teamsters deciding not to endorse any candidate in the 2024 election, the polling data reflects a significant shift in support from the Democrats to Trump — a reversal that has sent Democrats scrambling.

This newfound momentum for Trump among union members, traditionally a reliable base for the Democratic Party, highlights a growing trend: Americans, especially blue-collar workers, are waking up to the fact that Donald Trump is the leader they need.

The polling numbers are staggering. Among Teamsters, Trump is leading Harris in nearly every state and by wide margins in key swing states like Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Georgia, and Arizona. For example:

  • Michigan: Trump 61.7% – Harris 32.5%
  • Wisconsin: Trump 57% – Harris 40.5%
  • Pennsylvania: Trump 65.3% – Harris 31.4%
  • Georgia: Trump 56.3% – Harris 40.7%
  • Arizona: Trump 57.3% – Harris 38.7%

Even in deep-blue states like California, where Democrats usually dominate, Trump leads Harris 48.8% to 46.4%. This is a near-complete 180 from the strong union support Joe Biden enjoyed in 2020. The numbers don’t lie: union members, particularly the Teamsters, are rallying around Trump, while the Democrats are scrambling to figure out why their core base is slipping away.

For years, the Democrats have tried to paint Donald Trump as out of touch with the working class. They’ve portrayed him as a billionaire who doesn’t understand the struggles of everyday Americans. But in 2024, that narrative is crumbling.

The truth is, Democrats are scared — terrified, in fact — of Trump’s growing momentum among union members and blue-collar workers. They know what these numbers mean: Americans are seeing through their lies, broken promises, and pandering.

Why are union members rallying around Trump? Because they know that Trump’s America First policies were good for working Americans. When Trump was president, manufacturing jobs came back to the U.S., wages rose, and the economy boomed.

Under Biden and Harris, inflation has skyrocketed, jobs are being sent overseas again, and the average American is struggling to make ends meet.

Union members understand this. They see through Kamala Harris’s empty promises and weak leadership. They know that Trump fought for them during his time in office and will continue to fight for them if re-elected. Harris, on the other hand, has done little to earn their trust or support.

The International Brotherhood of Teamsters, one of the most powerful unions in the country, recently made headlines when it announced that it would not be endorsing any candidate for president in 2024. This decision is a major blow to the Democrats, who have relied on union endorsements to secure their blue-collar voter base for decades.

In a statement, Teamsters President Sean M. O’Brien explained the decision: “Unfortunately, neither major candidate was able to make serious commitments to our union to ensure the interests of working people are always put before Big Business.” The union sought commitments from both Trump and Harris not to interfere in critical union campaigns or core Teamsters industries, but neither candidate was willing to make those promises.

While the union as a whole has decided to remain neutral, its membership has overwhelmingly thrown its support behind Trump. The polling shows that Harris only leads Trump among Teamsters in the District of Columbia, a clear sign that even in traditionally Democratic strongholds, union workers are fed up with the status quo.

Blue-collar workers and union members know that Trump understands their struggles. Unlike the elites in Washington, Trump has always put America First. He fought to bring back American jobs, negotiated fair trade deals that benefited American workers, and supported policies that strengthened the middle class. Under Trump, the American worker thrived.

In contrast, Kamala Harris has failed to connect with blue-collar workers. Her policies, much like those of the Biden administration, have been disastrous for the working class. Union members have watched as inflation has eroded their purchasing power, gas prices have soared, and the cost of living has skyrocketed under Democratic leadership.

They’ve seen the Democrats prioritize woke corporate interests and globalist agendas over the needs of everyday Americans.

Harris’s inability to win over union workers is a reflection of a larger problem within the Democratic Party: they’ve lost touch with the people they claim to represent. Union members, especially those in the Teamsters, have always been a critical part of the Democratic coalition. But now, they’re turning their backs on the party that has betrayed them for too long.

The Democrats’ panic is palpable. They are reportedly viewing the Teamsters’ non-endorsement and the polling data as a major warning sign. According to Politico, pro-Harris union officials and Democratic strategists are in crisis mode, fearing that Trump’s lead among union members could spell disaster for their party in 2024.

For the Democrats, this is more than just a polling problem. It’s an existential crisis. They’ve built their brand on being the party of the working class, yet here we are in 2024, and blue-collar workers are flocking to Trump in droves. This is the culmination of years of neglect and broken promises from the Democratic establishment.

The contrast between Trump and Harris couldn’t be clearer. Trump is a fighter. He stood up to China, renegotiated trade deals, and slashed burdensome regulations that were choking American industries. He brought back jobs to states like Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin — places that had been devastated by decades of bad trade policies and corporate outsourcing.

Harris, on the other hand, has offered little more than vague promises and empty rhetoric. She has failed to articulate a clear vision for American workers, and her policies have done nothing to alleviate the struggles of blue-collar families. Instead of focusing on the real issues facing the American people, she’s been more concerned with appeasing radical Left-wing activists and pushing a far-Left agenda that most Americans simply don’t support.

As the 2024 election approaches, Trump’s momentum continues to build. Despite the Democrats’ best efforts to smear him, indict him, and paint him as a criminal, Trump’s support among working-class Americans is only growing stronger. Union members, small business owners, farmers, and everyday citizens are rallying behind Trump because they know that he is the leader who will put their interests first.

The Democrats, meanwhile, are growing more desperate by the day. Their strategy of fear-mongering and demonizing Trump has backfired spectacularly. Americans see through the media’s lies and the Democrats’ endless attacks. They know that Trump has their back, and they’re ready to give him another four years in the White House.

The latest poll showing Trump leading Harris among Teamsters union members is just the latest sign that Democrats are in serious trouble. Blue-collar workers across the country are rallying around Trump because they know that he is the leader who will fight for them. Harris, like the rest of the Democratic Party, has lost touch with the working-class Americans who once made up the backbone of their coalition.

The Democrats are scared — and they should be. Trump is picking up momentum, and Americans are ready to take their country back.

Stay tuned to the Conservative Column.


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