HomeNewsDonald Trump smacked Joe Biden upside the head with an unexpected election...

Donald Trump smacked Joe Biden upside the head with an unexpected election lawsuit


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Former President Donald Trump doesn’t want a repeat of 2020. He’ll do anything to avoid that from happening.

And Donald Trump just smacked Joe Biden upside the head with an unexpected election lawsuit.

The 2020 election cycle was anything but normal. There was a pandemic panic at its peak, the economy was just sacrificed by the so-called “health officials” who had told Americans that they had to be willing to let go of their jobs to stay safe, and a summer of riots just completely engulfed American politics.

So when November 2020 rolled around, the results were always going to be impossible to predict. It was a year that was, in its entirety, impossible to predict. Was the sky going to be blue or green when you stepped outside? Who knows, it was 2020.

Add in the fact that millions of Americans were now given the option to vote by mail from the comfort of their home, that meant the election was hit with a new variable that no American presidential election cycle had ever even thought about having to deal with whatsoever.

Millions of Americans, to this day, believe that mail-in ballots are inherently less secure because there is no election official ordaining the casting of the ballot as there is when people vote in person as in years past. There’s also the argument that the system simply wasn’t prepared for the massive shift in a voting method towards mail-in ballots as opposed to in-person voting.

Different states also have different rules on how mail-in ballots should be treated and handled, which seems a little weird for elections that are national in nature like the presidential race, U.S. Senate races, and U.S. House of Representatives races. Some states allow certain types of ballot harvesting, while others ban the same.

Recently in Pennsylvania, a federal appeals court declined to hear a challenge to a lower court’s ruling that argued that mail-in ballots must have signed dates that are not days or weeks after the election. That seems like common sense, but Democrat-aligned Leftist groups in the state argued that this was a form of “voter suppression.”

In Nevada, Donald Trump is trying to help the state ensure that the election process is a lot smoother than in 2020. You’ll remember that many states were unable to cement the results of the elections for weeks due to how close the elections were and how many votes were being counted for days and weeks after November 3, 2020.

Donald Trump wants there to be a clear cut off for when votes can be counted, putting pressure on the election officials to more efficiently and securely process ballots in a timely fashion so there is a winner declared shortly after the polls close.

The Trump campaign and the Republican National Committee (RNC) initiated legal action against the Nevada Secretary of State over the counting of mail-in ballots post-election day. They argue that Nevada’s allowance of ballot counting up to four days after the election undermines the integrity of the electoral process and violates federal law.

RNC Chairman Michael Whatley emphasized that ballots received after Election Day should not be counted, asserting the importance of upholding election honesty and supporting Nevada voters. This legal challenge comes amidst Nevada’s pivotal role in the 2020 presidential election, where President Biden narrowly won. Presently, Trump holds a lead over Biden in Nevada’s battleground state average.

“Nevada’s ballot receipt deadline clearly violates federal law and undermines election integrity in the state,” Mr. Whatley of the Republican National Committee said in an official statement release.

“Ballots received days after Election Day should not be counted — the RNC and our partners are suing to secure an honest election, support Nevada voters, and oppose unlawful schemes.”

In addition to the presidential race, the upcoming reelection bid of Democratic Sen. Jacky Rosen in 2024, who’s facing Republican Army veteran Sam Brown, adds further significance to Nevada’s political landscape. The Cook Political Report’s reclassification of Rosen’s race from “Lean D” to “Toss-Up” underscores the state’s electoral volatility.

The RNC’s legal endeavors extend beyond Nevada, with 83 election integrity lawsuits pending in 25 states. Recent challenges against Michigan’s Democratic Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson reflect broader efforts to address concerns over voter registration rolls and absentee ballot procedures.

There’s a debate about whether votes that come in after election day should be counted at all. On the one hand, if it can be proven that the ballot is a valid one, it seems reasonable that the ballot needs to be counted. However, some are concerned that the election system is worsening in America as voters now have to wait weeks in order to find out who their elected officials are.

You would think in a civilized, first-world nation in the year of our Lord 2024 that being able to determine a winner in a quick and accurate manner wouldn’t be difficult. Why is it taking weeks instead of just 24 hours now? Americans want to know.

The answer is a lot of things, one of them being that more complex voting methods are being used than in years past. Now, states are having to cross reference ballots being counted from many different sources like mail-in ballots, physical write-in ballots, computer ballots, and more. Traditionally, the vast majority of counting was just counting up physical ballots and computer ballots at the poll stations.

Mail-in ballots add another layer of complexity that some Americans believe shouldn’t be a factor in future elections. To some, it seems reasonable that mail-in ballots should only be offered to those with an absolute need, not just because someone wants to vote that way instead of in person. Again, that’s another area where different states have different rules. All of this is just utter chaos at this point, and maybe Donald Trump has a point that simplifying the matter by not counting ballots that come after a certain date is helpful.

The Conservative Column will keep you updated on any 2024 election news.


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