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Biden campaign advisor makes moronic claim on CNN and gets slapped with fact check


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CNN is known for being soft for Leftists. But not this time.

As a Biden campaign advisor just went on CNN and got put on blast for this moronic claim.

CNN Host Corrects Commentator on Hispanic Support for Mass Deportation

A heated exchange erupted on CNN Tuesday when Democratic strategist Maria Cardona disputed polling data showing significant Hispanic support for deporting all undocumented immigrants from the United States. Host Jim Acosta and commentator Scott Jennings stepped in to fact-check Cardona’s claims.

The debate centered around a recent CBS/YouGov poll conducted from June 5-7, which found that over 50% of Hispanic Americans favor “a new national program to deport all undocumented immigrants currently living in the U.S. illegally.” Only 47% of Hispanics opposed such a measure, falling outside the poll’s margin of error.

When Cardona insisted that Hispanics do not back mass deportations, Jennings challenged her assertion. “Mass deportations has majority support in the United States and among Hispanic voters right now. It’s recent polling, you can look it up,” he stated.

The poll data backed up Jennings, showing over 60% of respondents supported deporting “all” illegal immigrants, including majorities across genders, age groups, education levels, and political affiliations. Only black Americans, Democrats, liberals, and adults under 30 were mostly against such a deportation plan.

“No, that’s not true, Scott. No,” Cardona maintained, prompting Jennings to double down. “Maria, it is absolutely true. When we get off the air and you Google it, you’re going to be embarrassed, but it’s absolutely true.”

Acosta intervened, displaying the poll graphic on screen and affirming the 53%-47% split among Hispanics. “We are showing the CBS poll, 53%-47%,” he said.

Though Cardona claimed to have “issues” with the poll’s methodology, Jennings pressed her to acknowledge the facts. “I just want to make sure people don’t miss it. Who was right? I just want to know who was right,” he stated.

The tense exchange highlighted the divisive nature of immigration debates and the importance of relying on credible data sources when discussing policy matters.

Watch the exchange below:

The Biden administration has been trying to discredit the gains Donald Trump has been making in terms of support from Hispanic and minority voters. They are desperate to hold on to their grip with those voting blocs that have historically been such a major part of their electoral strategy.

Donald Trump’s immigration policies being way more popular amongst Hispanics spells doom for Joe Biden’s re-election odds, as many sober Democrats who are willing to call it like it is have noted in recent weeks.

Progressive Cenk Uygur of The Young Turks recently appeared on Piers Morgan’s show alongside conservative commentator Tomi Lahren from Outkick and mainline Democrat Brian Tyler Cohen, and on the show Uygur admitted that Joe Biden is simply going to lose based on the way the election looks to be playing out right now.

His approval ratings are in the thirties (at best) and his own voting base (including minorities) are questioning whether they are better off with a second Trump term than a second Biden term. Of course, Cenk Uygur is absolutely insane, as you can see in the clip we’ll share below. But even he can see the writing on the wall.

To ignore that Donald Trump’s immigration policies are a major factor for why he is surging in polls is simply being ignorant of the facts. That surge includes minorities that the Democrat establishment doesn’t want to admit they are losing.

And as promised, here’s Cenk Uygur losing his mind because Piers wanted to call out the Left’s hypocrisy on the transgenderism issue when it comes to protecting biological women. You gotta love the Left just melting down right now.

The Conservative Column will keep you updated on any major developments in the 2024 election cycle.


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