HomeNewsEconomyHarris shocks the nation after detailing her horrific Soviet-style policies

Harris shocks the nation after detailing her horrific Soviet-style policies


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The Radical Left’s policies are extreme. But people were still horrified when they heard this news.

Because Harris has shocked the nation after detailing her horrific Soviet-style policies.

As Vice President Kamala Harris gears up for her 2024 campaign, she’s about to unveil one of the most reckless, dangerous economic proposals this country has seen in decades: Soviet-style, centrally administered price controls on food and grocery prices.

These policies are nothing short of an assault on the free market, and they threaten to devastate the American economy.

The first-ever national ban on price gouging and price-fixing, which Harris has vowed to implement within her first 100 days, signals a stark turn toward government overreach. Harris is mimicking the failed playbook of socialist regimes, promising to control industries she doesn’t understand with iron-fisted regulations that will hurt consumers more than they help.

While she and the Democratic Party paint this as a necessary step to protect working families, the reality is that such policies have been proven time and time again to lead to shortages, inflation, and economic stagnation.

Centralized price controls, the kind Harris is championing, have never worked. History is littered with examples of nations that tried to manipulate market prices and ended up with devastating results. The Soviet Union is perhaps the most glaring example.

Government bureaucrats, sitting behind desks, dictated prices on everything from bread to housing, and the result was a near-total collapse of the economy. People stood in line for hours just to get basic necessities, and industries ground to a halt due to inefficiency and mismanagement.

The same policies that crippled the Soviet economy now seem to be at the core of Kamala Harris’s vision for America. By giving the Federal Trade Commission and other agencies sweeping powers to investigate and penalize companies deemed guilty of price gouging or price-fixing, Harris is inching us closer to a command economy, where the government — not the free market — decides what prices are “fair.”

One of the most concerning aspects of this policy is the arbitrary nature of its enforcement. Who decides what counts as price gouging? What happens when businesses simply can’t afford to sell their goods at the prices Harris demands?

These questions are being ignored by the Harris campaign, and the consequences could be disastrous.

When prices are artificially suppressed by government edict, companies lose the incentive to produce, innovate, and invest in better products. In the end, the very consumers Harris claims to protect will pay the price, facing empty shelves and soaring inflation.

Harris has gone out of her way to single out the meat industry as a prime target for her price-fixing campaign, claiming that “processing middlemen” are guilty of illegal price control. While it’s true that the meat industry, like any other, should be subject to scrutiny for anti-competitive behavior, blanket price controls are not the solution.

The industry is highly consolidated for a reason — efficiency and economies of scale allow companies to produce meat at a lower cost. Harris’s rhetoric against these businesses is just another example of the Democratic Party’s war on American industry.

If Harris follows through on her threats to clamp down on meat prices, the consequences will be dire. Meat shortages, a hallmark of socialist countries that meddle in their food supply, could become a reality in the United States. It’s easy to see how this would unfold: with lower profit margins, meat producers will be forced to cut production.

Farmers, already grappling with rising input costs, will find it impossible to stay in business under these draconian regulations. Consumers, who Harris claims to champion, will face skyrocketing prices as demand outstrips supply.

This is not a hypothetical scenario — it’s the inevitable result of central price controls. When Venezuela implemented similar policies, the country was plunged into a food crisis. Store shelves were emptied, and people were forced to rely on government rations. Are these the same policies Harris wants to bring to America?

Harris Ignores the Real Problem: Inflation and Biden’s Failed Economic Policies

What Harris conveniently ignores is the root cause of the economic challenges facing Americans today: inflation. Under the Biden administration, inflation has surged to its highest levels in decades, and the average American family is struggling to make ends meet. The very people Harris claims to protect are being crushed under the weight of rising prices, but instead of addressing the failed policies that led to this crisis, she’s doubling down on more government control.

By focusing on price gouging and price-fixing as the enemy, Harris is attempting to distract voters from the real issue: the Biden administration’s reckless spending and anti-business regulations that have crippled the economy. Instead of allowing businesses to thrive and innovate, Harris is intent on punishing them, pushing America down the same path that has led countless countries to economic ruin.

Harris’s proposals extend beyond the grocery aisle. She’s also promising to reduce prescription drug costs and housing prices through similar regulatory measures. But the same dangers apply here. Centralized control over drug prices has already proven to lead to drug shortages and stifled innovation.

Pharmaceutical companies need to invest in research and development, but if their profit margins are crushed by government mandates, they’ll have little incentive to bring new drugs to market. In the long run, patients will suffer as breakthrough treatments become fewer and farther between.

On housing, Harris has shown a fundamental misunderstanding of basic economics. The real issue behind skyrocketing housing prices isn’t greedy landlords — it’s a lack of supply, caused by burdensome zoning laws and overregulation.

Instead of addressing these core issues, Harris is poised to enact policies that will only exacerbate the problem. Price controls on rent will discourage developers from building new housing, leading to even greater shortages and driving prices higher in the long run.

Perhaps the most telling aspect of Harris’s recent speech is that she has chosen to deliver it without taking any questions from the press. Just like her boss, President Joe Biden, she continues to shield herself from accountability, refusing to engage with the media or explain the details of her plans. This lack of transparency is deeply concerning, especially when it comes to policies that could fundamentally reshape the American economy.

Harris has already gone weeks without holding a press conference, leaving voters in the dark about her vision for the future. This behavior, coupled with her radical economic proposals, should serve as a warning to every American who values freedom and prosperity.

Kamala Harris’s Soviet-style economic policies are not the solution to America’s challenges — they are a direct threat to our way of life. These policies will hurt the very people they claim to protect, leading to shortages, inflation, and economic collapse. The American people deserve better than this dangerous experiment in central planning.

Stay tuned to the Conservative Column.


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