HomeNewsJewish leader’s Trump comments have stunned the political world

Jewish leader’s Trump comments have stunned the political world


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The Radical Left typically receives the Jewish vote. But many people are wondering if things will be different this year.

And now, a Jewish leader’s Trump comments have stunned the political world.

In a candid address at his Bedminster estate, former President Donald Trump delivered a powerful message to Jewish leaders that highlighted the rising threat of antisemitism emanating from the Left. He laid bare the stark reality of how the Democratic Party, particularly under the influence of Vice President Kamala Harris, has coddled antisemitic elements within its ranks rather than confronting and expunging this dangerous trend.

Trump’s warning to the Jewish community was not just about politics but about the growing dangers Jews face from those who claim to support them.

President Trump wasted no time addressing the elephant in the room. He accused Vice President Harris of “pandering” to antisemitism instead of eradicating it. This accusation is rooted in several alarming actions that Harris and her allies have taken. For example, Harris has surrounded herself with advisors known for their anti-Israel views, raising concerns that she is catering to far-Left extremists rather than standing up for Jewish interests.

Trump didn’t mince words when he described the antisemitism spreading on college campuses as “loco” — a disturbing phenomenon that has only gained momentum under Democratic leadership.

It is no secret that the Democratic Party has embraced fringe elements whose open hostility toward Israel and the Jewish people has become commonplace. Leading Democrats, including Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, have failed to use their influence to curb the rise of antisemitic rhetoric.

In fact, their silence has allowed this insidious ideology to flourish, even elevating figures like Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) and Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI), who have made inflammatory, anti-Israel statements without facing real consequences from their party.

The Left’s coddling of figures who hate Israel and Jewish values has only accelerated this crisis. Under Democratic leadership, it is now entirely possible for politicians with openly antisemitic views to ascend within the party, a notion that would have been unthinkable just a decade ago.

Vice President Harris’s actions have provided little assurance to the Jewish community that she stands with Israel. Her decision to pass over Pennsylvania Gov. Josh Shapiro, a pro-Israel Jewish politician, in favor of Minnesota Governor Tim Walz as her running mate is seen by many as a glaring oversight that exposes her true priorities.

Walz has a troubling history of appeasing extremist figures, including a Hitler-supporting imam. If this is the type of leadership Harris deems acceptable, it sends a chilling message to Jewish voters.

Furthermore, Harris’s refusal to attend Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s address to Congress last month and her tacit support for the Biden administration’s disastrous Middle East policies demonstrate her lack of commitment to Israel’s security.

President Biden’s decision to remove the Iranian-backed Houthis from the terror list, against the advice of many national security experts, has only emboldened those seeking to undermine Israel.

Trump’s criticisms extended beyond just Harris and Walz; he pointed to the disturbing rise of antisemitism in American cities and on college campuses. He rightly noted that what is happening today bears a striking resemblance to the climate that Jews faced in the early 1930s in Germany.

Across American universities, anti-Israel protests have turned hostile and even violent, while administrators and faculty members do little to confront the antisemitism festering on their campuses. In fact, some faculty members themselves are guilty of promoting anti-Israel propaganda.

The alarming number of protests expected at the upcoming Democratic National Convention in Chicago, where hundreds of thousands will reportedly demonstrate against Israel, is yet another sign of how radicalized the Left has become. These are not isolated incidents; they represent a broader trend of Democrats indulging antisemitism under the guise of “social justice” and “Palestinian rights.”

What’s worse, Harris has praised the “emotion” of these protests, a tacit endorsement of the hatred spewing from these events. These are not peaceful demonstrations calling for change — they are rallies filled with vitriol against Israel and, by extension, Jews.

The consequences of a Harris and Walz administration could be dire. Trump warned that their leadership would open the door for those who hate Israel and the Jewish people to take over U.S. foreign policy, a chilling prospect for any ally of Israel.

Harris has shown time and again that she lacks the backbone to stand up to the radical Leftists who despise Israel and everything it stands for. Her indulgence of groups like Hamas, who carried out the horrific terror attack on Israel on October 7, only encourages more violence.

If the Democrats succeed, the United States risks becoming unrecognizable, not just in its treatment of Israel, but in its core values. As Trump noted, Harris and her ilk represent those who want to “destroy western civilization” — an alarming thought for anyone who cherishes Judeo-Christian values.

In contrast, Trump laid out a clear and decisive plan for combating antisemitism in America. He vowed to hold colleges accountable for their failure to address antisemitism on campus, threatening to revoke federal funding and accreditation if they continue to allow this hatred to flourish. This is the kind of leadership that the Jewish community needs — someone willing to take decisive action to protect them.

Trump’s record speaks for itself. As president, he moved the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem, recognized Israeli sovereignty over the Golan Heights, withdrew from the disastrous Iran nuclear deal, and brokered the historic Abraham Accords, which brought peace between Israel and several Arab states. These actions demonstrate a commitment to Israel’s security that is unmatched by any modern president.

Dr. Miriam Adelson, the widow of prominent Republican donor Sheldon Adelson, captured this sentiment when she addressed the Bedminster gathering. She reminded attendees that while politicians make promises, true leaders keep them — and Trump has consistently kept his promises to Israel and the Jewish people.

In his closing remarks, Trump urged Jewish voters to rethink their longstanding loyalty to the Democratic Party. “You vote by habit for Democrats,” he said. “You have to stop. You have to be smart.” Jewish Americans can no longer afford to support a party that indulges antisemitism and radicalism at the expense of Israel’s security and the Jewish community’s safety.

The stakes have never been higher. Antisemitism is no longer a fringe issue on the Left — it is a driving force behind the Democrats’ agenda. If Jews want to ensure their survival and the survival of Israel, they must take Trump’s warning seriously.

Stay tuned to the Conservative Column.


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