HomeNewsDemocrats reveal how scared they are of the Harris campaign

Democrats reveal how scared they are of the Harris campaign


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Mainstream media outlets are preaching a message of unity amongst Democrats. But that is simply not the case.

As recently, Democrats have revealed how scared they are of the Harris campaign.

As the 2024 presidential election looms closer, there’s an increasing sense of anxiety among Democrat strategists about Vice President Kamala Harris’s prospects. While Harris may currently be enjoying what some call a “honeymoon stage” within the Democrat Party, concerns are growing that smug overconfidence will ultimately ruin her chances of weathering the storm as she faces attacks from the Republican side, particularly from former President Donald Trump.

Kamala Harris is not your typical Democrat candidate — she’s a far-Left radical from the West Coast whose policies are significantly out of touch with the values of mainstream America.

While the Leftist media attempts to prop her up as a fresh face, it’s becoming increasingly clear that Harris will eventually have to answer for her record and her troubling history as a politician.

From her disastrous handling of border security as the Biden administration’s “border czar” to her flip-flopping on critical issues, Harris’s weaknesses will be exploited as we approach the November election.

Democrats know this all too well, even if they won’t admit it publicly. Fernand Amandi, a former President Obama strategist, expressed the party’s quiet panic, saying, “Every presidential campaign in modern history has had to go through an unanticipated scandal, crisis, or world event, and at some point, that political law is going to happen to Kamala Harris’s campaign.”

In other words, Harris’s current lead in certain polls won’t last once the American people begin to see her for who she really is — a far-Left ideologue.

Amandi further warned, “Anyone who is measuring the drapes at the White House needs a serious reality check.”

This sentiment is echoed by many Democrat insiders who, behind the scenes, are worried that Harris’s lack of appeal in key swing states will result in a brutal defeat once Trump’s campaign begins to ramp up.

Contrary to the Democrats’ wishful thinking, former President Donald Trump is gaining momentum across the country. He is statistically tied with Harris in most swing state polls — a far cry from the double-digit lead Trump had over Biden just months ago.

What’s more, Trump’s support continues to surge as he reestablishes himself as the populist leader who truly understands the needs of working-class Americans. Harris, on the other hand, represents the interests of coastal elites and radical special interest groups.

Tim Hogan, a Democrat strategist, cautiously admitted, “Democrats are rightfully elated with the trajectory of the Harris-Walz campaign, but anyone politically conscious over the last decade—especially Democrats—knows that terrain can shift, and events beyond our control can quickly change the nature of elections.”

This shows a level of concern among Democrats that they cannot ignore. Harris’s shallow popularity is built on shaky ground, and when confronted with real issues, her campaign is unlikely to withstand the pressure.

It’s crucial to note that Harris’s appeal is limited to certain demographics, primarily in far-Left strongholds on the coasts.

As a West Coast politician, her lack of resonance with Midwestern voters will become a significant liability. These voters, many of whom are undecided or independent, are poised to decide the outcome of the 2024 election.

Trump, in contrast, has maintained strong support in battleground states and is even more popular now than he was in 2020, according to political analysts like CNN’s Harry Enten.

Despite the warnings from within their own party, Democrats are allowing themselves to become overly confident in Harris’s campaign. Christy Setzer, another Democrat strategist, echoed this sentiment:

“It all looks good, but trust us when we say we take nothing for granted.” However, this statement rings hollow given the party’s actions. The fact is that Democrats are placing their bets on Harris without fully grasping how vulnerable she is to attacks from Trump and the Republicans.

Former Obama strategist Jim Messina emphasized the precarious nature of Harris’s campaign: “When you look at who the undecided voters are in this election, we’re down to like 5 percent,” he said during an appearance on Fox News. “And the question is, are some of those voters going to get out and actually vote.”

This uncertainty is exactly why Harris cannot afford to rest on her laurels. The Democrats’ celebration of her early poll numbers could quickly turn into a disaster if they fail to energize these undecided voters.

Adding to the Democrats’ woes is the fact that Harris’s support within her own party is shaky at best. Seventy percent of registered Democrats and independents who voted for Biden in 2020 are still largely unaware of Harris’s controversial and radical positions, according to recent polling data.

These voters are unlikely to be excited once they learn about her far-Left agenda, which could alienate them and drive them toward Trump.

In stark contrast to Harris’s faltering campaign, enthusiasm among Republicans to vote for Donald Trump continues to grow. A CNN analysis revealed that Republican enthusiasm for Trump has increased by two points since May, jumping from 58 percent to 60 percent.

Meanwhile, enthusiasm for Harris among Democrat voters has dropped slightly compared to earlier polls for Biden, signaling a lack of excitement and trust in her ability to lead the country.

Trump’s favorability ratings are also on the rise. According to RealClearPolitics, Trump’s approval rating is just below his highest mark, achieved in April. Similarly, FiveThirtyEight’s polling shows that Trump’s popularity remains strong, just one point shy of his best approval rating.

This suggests that while the Leftist media continues to demonize Trump, the American people are ready to see him return to the White House and restore the values that made America great during his first term.

As the election nears, it’s becoming increasingly clear that the Democrats are making a grave mistake by relying on Harris to carry the mantle. The smug overconfidence within the party will be their undoing as they face a formidable opponent in Donald Trump.

Harris, with her radical policies and lack of appeal outside the coastal elite, simply doesn’t have what it takes to withstand the bruising attacks she will face in the months ahead.

The Democrats’ fear of overconfidence is well-founded. While they may be celebrating early polls and Harris’s temporary honeymoon, the reality is that the 2024 election will be decided by the working-class voters that Harris simply cannot connect with. Meanwhile, Donald Trump is steadily gaining ground and energizing his base, setting the stage for a major comeback.

Stay tuned to the Conservative Column.


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