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The New York Times just stabbed Harris in the back and exposed her terrifying policy


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Typically the media is very much in the pocket of the Democrat politicians. However, even the most liberal media companies have started to realize what a disaster Harris is.

And The New York Times just stabbed Harris in the back and exposed her terrifying policy.

In a striking admission, The New York Times has highlighted what conservatives have known all along: Vice President Kamala Harris’s campaign is built on nothing more than empty platitudes and superficial messaging.

In a recent piece titled Joy is Not a Strategy, NYT deputy opinion editor Patrick Healy exposed the glaring deficiencies in Harris’s bid for the presidency, emphasizing that the Democrats’ emphasis on “joy” is not a strategy but a desperate attempt to distract voters from her lack of substantive policies.

The Democratic National Convention (DNC) was supposed to be a showcase of the party’s vision for America. Instead, it became a cringe-worthy display of out-of-touch messaging, with “joy” being force-fed to voters as if it were a solution to the nation’s deep-seated issues.

Healy astutely observed that if the DNC’s message for America had to fit on a bumper sticker, it would read, “Harris is joy.” But as he rightly pointed out, this is not what Americans want or need in a leader, especially at a time of economic uncertainty and geopolitical instability.

The repeated invocation of “joy” by various speakers at the DNC, including former President Bill Clinton, who bizarrely touted Harris as “the president of joy,” only served to underscore the hollowness of her campaign. According to Healy, the word “joy” was mentioned over 50 times during the convention, a fact that he likened to the infamous attempt to make “fetch” happen in the movie Mean Girls.

In other words, the Democrats are trying to make “joy” a thing, but it’s not catching on, and it’s certainly not resonating with voters who are more concerned with tangible issues like the rising cost of living and the lack of affordable housing.

What’s most telling about Healy’s critique is that it comes from within the Left’s own ranks. Even the Democrats are beginning to realize that Kamala Harris is not the leader they need, let alone the one Americans deserve.

For years, conservatives have been pointing out Harris’s incompetence, her lack of vision, and her reliance on identity politics rather than meaningful policies. Now, it seems that even the mainstream media is starting to catch on.

Healy’s article suggests that there is growing discontent among Democrats about Harris’s ability to lead the party to victory in the upcoming election. He notes that “being our joyful Momala is not going to win the election” and emphasizes that Americans are more interested in solutions to their everyday problems than in vague notions of joy. This critique cuts to the heart of the Harris campaign’s weaknesses: it is all style and no substance.

One of the most damning aspects of Healy’s article is his observation that Harris has not been “tested” since Biden stepped aside. This is a glaring issue for a candidate who aspires to lead the nation. Harris has avoided interviews, press conferences, and any situation where she might be asked tough questions about her policies — or lack thereof. This avoidance strategy may work in the short term, but it is unsustainable in a general election where voters demand answers, not smiles.

Healy correctly points out that Harris’s advisors are making a grave mistake if they think she can get away with just one debate against former President Donald Trump. Trump is a seasoned debater who has faced down some of the toughest opponents in modern political history.

He thrives in high-pressure situations and has a track record of exposing his rivals’ weaknesses on the debate stage. If Harris’s team believes that she can coast through the election without being rigorously challenged, they are in for a rude awakening.

In stark contrast to Harris, Donald Trump has been tested — and he has emerged stronger for it. During his presidency, Trump faced relentless attacks from the media, the Democrats, and even members of his own party.

Yet, he remained focused on delivering for the American people. Under Trump’s leadership, the U.S. economy reached new heights, unemployment hit record lows, and America regained its standing on the world stage. Trump’s policies were not about “joy”; they were about results.

Trump’s economic achievements stand in stark contrast to the failures of the Biden-Harris administration. While Harris and her team talk about joy, Trump talks about bringing jobs back to America, securing the border, and standing up to China.

These are the issues that resonate with voters because they directly impact their lives. The American people are not interested in a feel-good narrative; they want a president who will fight for them, just as Trump has done.

As the 2024 election approaches, it is becoming increasingly clear that the Republican Party, with Trump at the helm, offers a stark contrast to the empty promises of the Harris-Walz campaign. While Harris relies on superficial messaging and avoids scrutiny, Trump and the Republicans are focused on policies that will revitalize the economy, protect American interests, and restore the nation’s standing in the world.

Even the Left is beginning to see through the façade of the Harris campaign. The New York Times’ critique is just the beginning. As more Democrats recognize the futility of Harris’s approach, her support will continue to erode. The American people deserve better than a candidate who hides behind platitudes and avoids accountability. They deserve a leader who will confront the challenges facing the nation head-on, with courage, conviction, and a clear vision for the future.

The upcoming election is not just a choice between two candidates; it’s a choice between two fundamentally different visions for America. Kamala Harris’s vision is one of government overreach, empty rhetoric, and failed policies. In contrast, Donald Trump and the Republican Party offer a vision of economic prosperity, strong national defense, and individual freedom.

As The New York Times has admitted, “joy” is not a strategy. It’s time for the American people to reject the empty promises of Kamala Harris and the Democrats and to embrace the proven leadership of Donald Trump and the Republicans. The future of our nation depends on it.

Stay tuned to the Conservative Column.


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