HomeNewsWhite HouseBiden administration’s actions lead to horrific military development that has angered Americans

Biden administration’s actions lead to horrific military development that has angered Americans


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The Biden administration must hate U.S. troops. Because what they have just done is unacceptable.

And the Biden administration’s actions have led to horrific military developments that have angered Americans.

In a distressing development that underscores the failures of the Biden-Harris administration, the U.S. Navy is reportedly facing a severe manpower shortage within its Merchant Marines.

This shortage has become so critical that officials are now planning to remove 17 vessels from regular operation. The decline in Merchant Marine personnel not only jeopardizes our national security but also highlights the broader economic malaise caused by the disastrous policies of the current administration.

The U.S. Merchant Marine, an often-overlooked but vital component of our national defense, is comprised of civilian mariners who operate commercial ships. These mariners serve as a crucial auxiliary to the U.S. Navy during wartime or national emergencies, ensuring that the military’s logistical needs are met.

Managed through a combination of federal oversight and private sector involvement, the Merchant Marine fleet is indispensable for maintaining the operational readiness of our armed forces.

However, the Merchant Marines are now facing a crisis of manpower. The organization has lost so many experienced mariners that it can no longer properly crew and operate ships across the fleet. This has led the Navy’s Military Sealift Command (MSC) to plan for the “extended maintenance” of 17 vessels, effectively taking them out of regular service.

Among these are two Lewis and Clark replenishment ships, one fleet oiler, a dozen Spearhead-class Expeditionary Fast Transports, and two Navy expeditionary sea bases.

This manpower shortage is not just an inconvenience; it is a clear and present danger to our national security. Rear Admiral (Ret.) Mark Montgomery, senior director of the Center on Cyber and Technology Innovation for the Foundation for Defense of Democracy, emphasized the severity of the situation, stating, “We’re desperately short of the number of people.”

He warned that the lack of experienced merchant mariners to crew the ships poses a significant threat to the Navy’s ability to perform its logistical duties.

The Merchant Marines are responsible for manning the logistics backbone of the Navy — oilers, ammunition ships, and transport ships that move vital supplies, equipment, and personnel across the seas.

As Montgomery pointed out, “Just like 90 percent of trade is done by ships and not aircraft, the same thing applies at sea: It’s too difficult, too expensive — it’s not sufficient to move all that stuff by aircraft, so it’s moved by ships.” Without a fully operational Merchant Marine fleet, the Navy’s capacity to sustain its operations and support ground forces is severely compromised.

This crisis did not arise in a vacuum. It is the direct result of the Biden-Harris administration’s neglect and mistreatment of our military forces and those who support them.

From day one, this administration has demonstrated a shocking disregard for the well-being of our troops, prioritizing politically motivated policies over the practical needs of our armed forces.

The administration’s failure to support and maintain the Merchant Marine fleet is just one more example of this negligence. While Biden and Harris focus on advancing their radical Left agenda, our military and its essential support structures are left to wither. The administration’s lack of leadership and foresight is putting our national security at risk, and the consequences could be dire.

The Merchant Marine manpower shortage also highlights the broader economic failure of the Biden-Harris administration. Under their watch, America has seen a troubling decline in job opportunities, particularly in industries that are critical to our national security.

The shortage of Merchant Marines is not just a military issue; it is a symptom of a failing economy that has left many skilled workers without employment.

The Biden-Harris economic policies have been nothing short of disastrous. Their reckless spending, overregulation, and tax hikes have stifled job growth and driven inflation to levels not seen in decades.

This has had a devastating impact on American workers, particularly in sectors like maritime shipping, where skilled labor is essential but increasingly scarce.

The administration’s focus on expanding government control over the economy, rather than fostering job creation and economic growth, has left industries like the Merchant Marine struggling to find qualified personnel.

The result is a vicious cycle where economic mismanagement leads to job shortages, which in turn weaken our national security infrastructure.

The Biden-Harris administration’s treatment of the Merchant Marines is emblematic of the broader betrayal of American values by the radical Left. For years, the Democratic Party has shifted further and further to the Left, embracing policies that are not only economically unsound but also deeply unpatriotic.

This administration’s neglect of our military and its essential support services is just the latest example of their willingness to undermine the very institutions that have made America strong.

The radical Left’s disdain for the military is well-documented. From calls to defund the police to efforts to cut defense spending, the Left has consistently prioritized its ideological agenda over the safety and security of the American people. The Biden-Harris administration’s failure to support the Merchant Marines is part of this broader pattern of neglect and betrayal.

As the Biden-Harris administration continues to falter, it is clear that America needs a change in leadership. The Republican Party, under the leadership of Donald Trump, has always understood the importance of a strong military and a robust economy. Trump’s policies of deregulation, tax cuts, and support for the armed forces led to unprecedented job growth and a revitalized military during his time in office.

A return to Republican leadership would mean a return to policies that prioritize the well-being of American workers and the strength of our national defense. The Republican Party understands that a strong economy and a strong military go hand in hand. Under Trump’s leadership, we can restore the Merchant Marine fleet, create good-paying jobs for skilled workers, and ensure that our military is fully equipped to meet the challenges of the 21st century.

The current state of the U.S. Merchant Marines is a national disgrace, and it is a direct result of the Biden-Harris administration’s failed policies. Our national security is at risk, and American workers are suffering because of the radical Left’s disregard for the institutions that have made our country great.

It is time for a change. America needs strong, principled leadership that prioritizes the safety and security of our nation. The Republican Party, with Donald Trump at the helm, offers that leadership. It is time to put America first, restore our military strength, and rebuild our economy. The future of our nation depends on it.

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