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Joe Biden caught doing the exact thing the whole Left is criticizing Trump for


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The Democrats love to point fingers at Trump to try and get him in trouble. But many times, their plans backfire.

And Joe Biden has been caught doing the exact thing the whole Left is criticizing Trump for.

In a blatant display of hypocrisy, the Left is once again targeting President Donald Trump for actions they conveniently ignore when it comes to their own leader, Joe Biden. The latest manufactured outrage centers around Trump’s appearance at Arlington National Cemetery, specifically in Section 60, where he paid respects to Gold Star families on the third anniversary of the tragic Abbey Gate bombing in Afghanistan.

While the media and Left-leaning pundits rush to condemn Trump for allowing his team to capture these solemn moments, they remain conspicuously silent about Biden’s own use of Arlington for political gain during his 2020 presidential campaign.

Let’s set the record straight: Joe Biden, during his 2020 campaign, shamelessly exploited Arlington National Cemetery, using images of Section 60 in a campaign advertisement. On May 25, 2020, Biden posted a video on X (formerly Twitter) featuring a photo of himself standing over a grave at Arlington.

The video then shifts to a slide reading, “Text JOE to 30330,” followed by the message, “paid for by Biden for President.” This cynical use of one of the nation’s most sacred sites for political gain is not only distasteful but also in direct violation of federal law.

Section 60 of Arlington National Cemetery is hallowed ground, reserved primarily for U.S. veterans who served in Iraq and Afghanistan. It’s a place of deep mourning and respect, where the families of fallen heroes go to honor their loved ones. Biden’s decision to use this solemn site in a campaign ad was a calculated move to tug at the heartstrings of voters, attempting to portray himself as a compassionate leader. Yet, the mainstream media, which often acts as Biden’s PR team, turned a blind eye to this blatant act of political opportunism.

Fast forward to August 26, 2023, when President Trump was invited by the families of Sgt. Nichole Gee and Staff Sgt. Taylor Hoover, two of the brave soldiers who lost their lives in the Abbey Gate bombing, to join them at Section 60. These families, who have every right to invite whomever they choose to stand with them in their grief, specifically requested that Trump’s team be allowed to document the visit.

Their intention was to capture and share the moment as a tribute to their fallen loved ones, a decision made with the full knowledge and agreement of Arlington Cemetery officials.

Despite this, the Left and their media allies pounced on Trump, accusing him of using Section 60 for political purposes. The Army even issued a statement reiterating that federal law prohibits political campaign activities within the cemetery. But here’s the kicker: Trump wasn’t there to campaign. He was there to support grieving families who invited him.

The photos and videos taken were at the request of those families, who wanted to honor their fallen heroes in a way that the current administration had failed to do.

The contrast in how these two events have been treated couldn’t be starker. When Biden used Arlington Cemetery in a campaign ad, there was no outcry from the media, no statements from the Army about the legality of his actions, and certainly no condemnation from the Left. Yet, when Trump, at the invitation of Gold Star families, visits the same hallowed ground to honor their sacrifice, the Left goes on the attack.

This double standard is not just frustrating; it’s dangerous. It reveals the lengths to which the Left will go to smear Trump while covering up for Biden’s transgressions. They don’t care about the rules — they only care about the narrative. And in their narrative, Trump is always the villain, regardless of the facts.

Let’s not forget the context in which this controversy arises. The very soldiers buried in Section 60 lost their lives due to the disastrous policies of the Biden administration. The Abbey Gate bombing, which claimed the lives of 13 U.S. service members, was a direct result of Biden’s hasty and ill-conceived withdrawal from Afghanistan.

Families who lost loved ones in that tragic event have every right to be angry and to seek solace from a leader who respects their sacrifice. That leader is Donald Trump, not Joe Biden.

The Biden administration has shown time and again that it has little regard for the lives lost in Afghanistan. From refusing to take responsibility for the chaos in Kabul to using Arlington Cemetery as a backdrop for campaign ads, Biden’s actions speak volumes about his priorities. He is more concerned with maintaining power than with honoring the brave men and women who gave their lives for this country.

The American people are tired of the Left’s hypocrisy. They are tired of the media’s double standards. And they are tired of a president who uses the sacrifices of our military heroes for political gain while condemning those who genuinely honor their service.

Donald Trump’s visit to Section 60 was an act of respect and compassion, done at the request of grieving families who deserved to have their loved ones honored. Joe Biden’s use of the same sacred ground for a campaign ad was a calculated move to advance his political career. The difference between the two could not be clearer.

As we move forward, let us remember the true disrespect shown by the Biden administration — not only in how they treat our military heroes but in how they exploit their memories for political gain. The American people deserve better, and they will not forget the shameful double standards that the Left continues to perpetuate.

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