HomeNewsBombshell report about Trump assassination shows how repugnant Democrats have become

Bombshell report about Trump assassination shows how repugnant Democrats have become


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Every American should want the safety of our elected officials to be paramount. But not everyone thinks the same way.

And now a bombshell report about the Trump assassination shows how repugnant Democrats have become.

A shocking new poll released Wednesday shows just how deranged some segments of the political Left have become.

According to the survey, a disturbing 17% of voters — and more than one in four Democrats — actually believe that America would be better off if former President Donald Trump had been shot and k*lled during the recent assassination attempt at his West Palm Beach golf club.

The poll, conducted by Scott Rasmussen’s RMG Research for Napolitan News Service, surveyed 1,000 registered voters on their reaction to the news about this outrageous attempt on Trump’s life — the second assassination attempt he’s survived in just the last two months.

The sheer fact that this is even a question being posed speaks volumes about the state of political discourse in the country.

The survey didn’t mince words. The question asked: “While it is always difficult to wish ill of another human being, would America be better off if Donald Trump had been k*lled last weekend?”

The responses were both alarming and revealing: 17% said “yes,” while a solid 69% of voters showed common decency by saying “no.” Another 14% were “not sure,” reflecting an unsettling level of uncertainty about basic morality.

But among Democrats, the numbers are even worse: a staggering 28% said “yes,” while another 25% were “not sure.” Only 47% had the integrity to say “no.”

Even among those who “lean Democrat,” the moral compass seems to be broken. A shocking 27% agreed that Trump’s death would be beneficial for the country, with 21% unsure. Clearly, the Left’s rhetoric about “tolerance” and “civility” doesn’t extend to political opponents like Trump.

Scott Rasmussen, commenting on these troubling results, hit the nail on the head: “It is hard to imagine a greater threat to democracy than expressing a desire to have your political opponent m*rdered.”

This sentiment captures the dangerous escalation of hatred that has been brewing for years, encouraged by an increasingly radicalized political climate.

Another question in the poll explored whether Trump’s security should be ramped up after these two terrifying assassination attempts in just eight weeks. Unsurprisingly, the Left-wing respondents were dismissive.

Over half of the Democrats polled (51%) saw no need for additional security around Trump, essentially downplaying the seriousness of these life-threatening attacks.

Thankfully, the majority of voters overall (62%) had more sense, agreeing that Trump’s security detail should be increased. Still, an unsettling 32% didn’t believe he needed more protection, despite the obvious threats to his life.

The poll also dug into suspicions about the potential motives behind the assassination attempts.

This is where it gets even more interesting. While nearly half of Democrats (49%) suggested that Trump or his team might have staged the attempts — a ludicrous theory — just over half of Republicans (52%) speculated that Vice President Kamala Harris or someone in her campaign could have been involved. Given the hostile political environment and inflammatory rhetoric from the Left, this possibility doesn’t seem far-fetched to many conservatives.

The margin of error for this revealing poll was +/- 3.1%, but the message is crystal clear.

As Scott Rasmussen concluded, “I continue to believe that America’s best days are still to come. However, for years I’ve been saying that things will get worse before they get better.”

“These numbers suggest that the phase of getting worse is clearly upon us.” His words reflect the grim reality we face — a time where political violence is not only a growing threat but where some Americans openly condone it.

This poll should serve as a wake-up call to the dangers posed by the unchecked hatred that’s become all too common in today’s political climate.

Stay tuned to the Conservative Column.


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