HomeNewsCongressCongress just slapped the Biden-Harris administration with a massive loss

Congress just slapped the Biden-Harris administration with a massive loss


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The Biden administration has been floundering recently. But this might end them for good.

Because Congress just slapped the Biden-Harris administration with a massive loss.

The House Homeland Security Committee recently released a damning report detailing how the Biden-Harris administration’s open border policies have resulted in the mass release of over 85% of migrants arriving at the United States-Mexico border into American communities. This practice, known as “catch and release,” has allowed nearly eight million migrants to flood into the U.S. since the administration took office in early 2021.

The report highlights how, while Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas has overseen the mass release of these migrants into the interior, the administration has simultaneously slashed federal detention space, further hamstringing immigration enforcement efforts.

Under the Biden-Harris administration, America is seeing unprecedented levels of illegal immigration, creating what can only be described as a manufactured crisis that is hurting American communities, weakening national security, and undermining the rule of law.

One of the most glaring revelations from the House Homeland Security Committee report is how the Biden-Harris administration is flagrantly violating federal immigration law by engaging in mass “catch and release.”

The Immigration and Nationality Act (INA) mandates that any inadmissible alien who enters the U.S. must be detained from the moment they are encountered until they are either removed from the country or found to have lawful grounds to stay.

Instead of following this law, the Biden-Harris administration, with Mayorkas at the helm of DHS, has actively undermined it by releasing millions of migrants into American communities without proper vetting or legal justification.

According to the report, the administration has devised a comprehensive and unlawful agenda that has led to the release of migrants in droves, turning a blind eye to national security risks and the harm caused to American citizens.

This is a stark contrast to previous administrations. For example, under President Barack Obama in Fiscal Year 2013, 91% of migrants were detained for at least some period while their cases were adjudicated. Under Biden, that figure plummeted to just 36% in Fiscal Year 2021, demonstrating the drastic shift in policy. The result has been the erosion of the integrity of America’s immigration system, leaving communities vulnerable to the consequences of unchecked migration.

The ramifications of these reckless policies cannot be overstated. According to Yuma Sector Deputy Chief Patrol Agent Dustin Caudle, as of January 2021, an astonishing 65% to 70% of migrants encountered in the Yuma region have been released into U.S. communities rather than being detained. This is consistent with reports from other border sectors, including statements from former San Diego Sector Chief Patrol Agent Aaron Heitke, who revealed that high-ranking DHS officials frequently pressured agents to keep the number of illegal aliens in detention as low as possible.

This mass release of migrants poses a serious threat to both public safety and national security. Detention is a critical tool in immigration enforcement, as evidenced by the fact that when migrants are detained, they are deported 97% of the time.

In contrast, when migrants are released into the U.S. interior, 82% remain in the country years later, often without ever facing deportation. Those migrants who are not deported within the first 12 months of arrival are “rarely” deported, if ever, according to DHS data.

The Biden-Harris administration’s refusal to enforce immigration law sends a clear message to would-be migrants that there are no real consequences for entering the country illegally. The resulting surge in illegal immigration is overwhelming border patrol agents, stretching DHS resources thin, and creating dangerous situations for American citizens who must deal with the impact of unvetted, illegal entrants in their communities.

Making matters worse, the Biden-Harris administration has actively sought to reduce detention capacity even as illegal immigration reaches unprecedented levels. The report accuses the administration of cutting Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) detention space while simultaneously refusing to use all the beds made available by Congress.

This reduction in detention capacity means that even fewer illegal migrants can be held in custody while their cases are processed, further encouraging the mass release of individuals into the country.

The report also reveals that the administration was preparing a plan to eliminate in-person check-ins for migrants, replacing them with an app that would further reduce ICE’s ability to enforce immigration laws. This nonsensical approach shows just how far the administration is willing to go to undermine border enforcement and appease radical Left-wing activists who push for open borders.

A quote from Big Bend Sector Chief Patrol Agent Sean McGoffin underscores the dangerousness of the administration’s approach: “Everyone arriving at the border should be detained because detention is absolutely critical to immigration enforcement.” Despite this, the Biden-Harris administration continues to push policies that weaken the enforcement of immigration laws, endangering American citizens in the process.

This lawlessness has not gone unnoticed by the courts. In a scathing opinion, a federal judge likened the Biden-Harris administration to “a child who k*lls his parents and then seeks pity for being an orphan.” This analogy perfectly captures the administration’s attempts to garner sympathy for the very crisis they created by refusing to enforce immigration laws and reducing detention capacity.

The administration’s anti-enforcement policies are part of a larger effort to fundamentally reshape America’s immigration system. By refusing to detain illegal migrants and drastically cutting ICE’s ability to do its job, the Biden-Harris administration is effectively allowing millions of people to remain in the U.S. illegally, with little chance of deportation.

This has led to a situation where only a tiny fraction of illegal aliens in the U.S. are under any form of ICE supervision. As of June 2024, less than 2% of the estimated 16.8 million illegal aliens present in the U.S. were under ICE supervision, and only 0.25% were detained. These numbers reflect the administration’s abandonment of its duty to uphold the rule of law and protect American citizens.

While the administration continues to downplay the crisis at the southern border, the real-world consequences are being felt across the country. The surge of illegal immigration has placed a tremendous strain on border states like Texas and Arizona, whose resources are being stretched to the breaking point. But the problem is not confined to border states. As migrants are released into the interior, communities across America are bearing the brunt of this lawlessness.

Local governments are being forced to spend taxpayer dollars on services for migrants, including housing, healthcare, and education. Meanwhile, American workers, especially those in low-wage industries, are facing increased competition from illegal migrants willing to work for lower wages. This not only hurts American workers but also depresses wages and slows economic growth.

The flood of illegal migrants is also creating a humanitarian crisis. Migrants are being incentivized to make the dangerous journey across the border, often at the hands of ruthless human smugglers. Many of them are exploited, abused, or even k*lled along the way, yet the administration’s policies continue to encourage this deadly journey.

The Biden-Harris administration’s open-border policies are a disaster for America. They are undermining the rule of law, overwhelming our immigration system, and placing American citizens at risk. As the House Homeland Security Committee’s report makes clear, these policies are not only reckless but also unlawful. The administration’s decision to cut detention capacity while mass-releasing migrants into the U.S. interior is a betrayal of the American people.

It is time for real leadership to address this crisis. President Trump showed us that strong border policies work. During his administration, illegal immigration was drastically reduced, and our immigration laws were enforced. We need to return to policies that prioritize the safety and security of American citizens.

The American people deserve a government that enforces the law, secures the border, and protects our communities from the dangers of illegal immigration. The Biden-Harris administration has failed on all these fronts, and it is time for a change. Only with strong leadership and a commitment to upholding the rule of law can we restore order at the border and protect our nation.

Stay tuned to the Conservative Column.


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