HomeNewsMajor U.S. town under attack from a massive horde and the situation...

Major U.S. town under attack from a massive horde and the situation is dire


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Joe Biden is doing everything he can to destroy America. Unfortunately, his plans are working.

And now a major U.S. town is under attack from a massive horde and the situation could not be much worse.

The once-charming streets of Denver, Colorado are no longer paved with sunshine and promises of a hipster paradise.

Instead, they’re choked with the grim realities of a self-inflicted crisis: the city’s sanctuary policies have attracted a staggering 40,000 illegal immigrants, pushing its resources to the brink and leaving residents increasingly frustrated and unsafe.

Shelters designed for a fraction of the current demand are bursting at the seams, forcing the city to implement a cruel choice: turn out those desperate for refuge after just a handful of days, or risk financial collapse.

Medical facilities, already squeezed by staffing shortages, are buckling under the weight of providing free healthcare to an ever-growing population with no legal right to be there.

Local businesses, like Samantha Menendez’s bar, face the indignity of seeing their doors blocked by sprawling tent cities and their livelihood threatened by a decline in foot traffic.

For Denver Mayor Mike Johnson, the nightmare is far from over.

He anticipates the city will need to funnel a staggering 10% of its entire budget just to keep the influx afloat – a slap in the face to taxpayers who deserve responsible stewardship of their hard-earned dollars.

And yet, the cries for help from Denver’s overburdened citizens and overwhelmed infrastructure seem to fall on deaf ears at the national level.

The Biden administration, seemingly content to ignore the human cost of its open borders policy, continues to facilitate the mass migration that’s drowning American cities like Denver in chaos.

The consequences of this inaction are tangible and heartbreaking.

Dr. Steven Federico, a pediatrician at Denver Health, paints a grim picture of a medical system straining under the weight of providing care to a population it shouldn’t be responsible for.

The stories of local businesses like “One Shot Back” serve as stark reminders of the economic toll sanctuary policies exact on the very citizens they’re supposed to protect.

Denver’s plight stands as a cautionary tale, a flashing red light for other cities contemplating the siren song of sanctuary policies. It’s a stark reminder that open borders don’t pave the way for a welcoming haven; they pave the way for chaos, financial strain, and a city on the verge of breaking.

The citizens of Denver deserve better.

They deserve leaders who prioritize their safety and well-being above political posturing.

They deserve a city that isn’t crippled by the consequences of misguided policies crafted far away.

The question begs: will Denver wake up from this self-inflicted nightmare, or will it continue to be dragged down by the weight of its misguided and unsustainable sanctuary policies?

Only time will tell.

But one thing is certain: the price of inaction is being paid by everyday citizens – and it’s a price no one should have to bear.

Let Denver’s plight serve as a wake-up call to the nation.

We cannot ignore the human cost of open borders, nor can we afford to turn a blind eye to the struggles of cities burdened by the consequences of misguided policies.

It’s time to prioritize our own citizens, secure our borders, and chart a responsible course forward.

The future of Denver, and America’s cities, depends on it.

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