HomeNewsHarris suffers massive embarrassment during closing moments of debate

Harris suffers massive embarrassment during closing moments of debate


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The mainstream media does not want you to know the truth about Tuesday night’s debate. But the truth can’t be hidden anymore.

And Harris suffered a massive embarrassment during the closing moments of the debate.

In a powerful closing statement during Tuesday night’s presidential debate, Donald Trump took Kamala Harris to task for her failure to deliver on promises she’s been making not just during her 2024 campaign, but throughout her tenure as Vice President.

Trump’s sharp critique, which resonated with millions of Americans, centered on a simple yet damning question: “Why hasn’t she done it?”

As Harris concluded her remarks with a predictable focus on abortion and her past as a prosecutor in California, Trump’s response cut through the political rhetoric with brutal clarity. He pointed out that Harris has been in office for over three and a half years, yet she has done little to address the pressing issues facing the country. “She’s going to do all these wonderful things,” Trump remarked. “Why hasn’t she done it?”

Harris has repeatedly claimed she has the answers to fix the economy, create jobs, and lift up working families. Yet, as Trump rightfully pointed out, she has had ample time to act but has failed to deliver. The Biden-Harris administration has presided over an economy that is struggling to recover from their disastrous policies, particularly when it comes to job creation.

Trump highlighted that, despite three and a half years in office, Harris and Biden have done nothing to create the economic growth they promised. Instead, Americans are facing inflation, high energy prices, and job insecurity.

Under Biden and Harris, the middle class has been squeezed, and working Americans are left wondering where the so-called economic revival is.

As Trump pointed out, “They’ve had three and a half years to fix the border. They’ve had three and a half years to create jobs and all the things we talked about. Why hasn’t she done it?” It’s a question that resonates with voters who are fed up with broken promises and stagnant wages.

Trump also turned his attention to the ongoing crisis at the southern border, where illegal immigration has surged under the Biden-Harris administration. Harris, who was tasked with addressing the border crisis early in her vice presidency, has done next to nothing to stem the tide of illegal immigrants pouring into the country.

Her so-called leadership on the issue has been an abject failure, with little action taken to secure the border or address the root causes of illegal immigration.

“They’ve had three and a half years to fix the border,” Trump said. “And they’ve done nothing.”

The reality on the ground tells the story. Under Harris’s watch, border crossings have reached record highs, and the humanitarian crisis continues to grow. Criminal cartels are exploiting the porous border, and the American people are paying the price for Harris’s inaction.

Meanwhile, fentanyl and other dangerous drugs are flooding into American communities, causing devastating harm. Harris has been more concerned with pandering to her far-Left base than taking meaningful steps to protect American citizens.

Perhaps one of the most damning aspects of Trump’s critique of Harris is her record on foreign policy. Under the Biden-Harris administration, America’s global standing has plummeted, and the world has become more unstable. Trump warned that, thanks to Harris and Biden’s ineptitude, the world is on the brink of disaster.

“We have wars going on in the Middle East,” Trump said. “We have wars going on with Russia and Ukraine. We’re going to end up in a third world war, and it will be a war like no other.”

Trump’s warning isn’t hyperbole; it’s a reflection of the growing instability that has unfolded on the global stage since Biden and Harris took office. Their weak and directionless foreign policy has emboldened America’s enemies and left allies questioning the strength of U.S. leadership.

Whether it’s the disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan, the ongoing conflict in Ukraine, or the growing tensions with China and Iran, the Biden-Harris administration has shown itself incapable of managing America’s global responsibilities.

Harris has no serious foreign policy accomplishments to speak of, and her inaction on critical global issues has left America weaker, not stronger.

Throughout the debate, many on social media noted the obvious bias displayed by the ABC News moderators, Linsey Davis and David Muir. Davis, in particular, spread the blatantly false claim that “there is no state in this country where it is legal to k*ll a baby after it’s born.”

The truth is that there are several states where babies born alive after botched abortions can be left to die — yet the moderators let this lie slide, protecting Harris from the reality of her extreme pro-abortion stance.

Once again, the mainstream media acted as a shield for Harris, covering up her failures and spreading misinformation to benefit the Biden-Harris campaign. Trump supporters and conservatives have long been aware of the media’s bias, and this debate was yet another example of the press bending over backwards to prop up Harris while attacking Trump.

It’s clear that the media will do whatever it takes to prevent Trump from returning to the White House, even if it means lying to the American people.

The contrast between Kamala Harris and Donald Trump couldn’t be clearer. While Harris talks endlessly about what she plans to do, Trump has a proven record of delivering for the American people. Under Trump, the economy boomed, millions of jobs were created, and America’s standing in the world was strong. He secured the border, renegotiated trade deals that benefited American workers, and made the U.S. energy independent.

Harris, on the other hand, has done nothing but make empty promises. Her record as vice president is one of failure — whether it’s the economy, the border, or foreign policy, she has repeatedly dropped the ball. Americans are struggling under her leadership, and her inability to take action has left the country in worse shape than when she and Biden took office.

As Trump noted in the debate, Harris has had her chance to make a difference, and she has failed. “She’s going to do this, she’s going to do that. She’s going to do all these wonderful things,” Trump said. “Why hasn’t she done it?”

It’s a question that Harris can’t answer because the truth is clear: She has no intention of delivering on her promises. Her campaign is built on empty rhetoric, and the American people are tired of being lied to.

Donald Trump’s performance in Tuesday’s debate was a reminder of why he remains the leader America needs. He isn’t afraid to call out the failures of the Biden-Harris administration, and he isn’t afraid to fight for the American people. While Kamala Harris continues to make promises she can’t keep, Trump has a plan to bring America back to greatness.

Trump is right: Harris has had her chance, and she has failed. The American people deserve better than empty promises and inaction. They deserve a president who will fight for them, protect their jobs, secure the border, and restore America’s standing in the world.

In 2024, the choice is clear. Kamala Harris has shown she isn’t up to the task. Donald Trump has already proven that he is.

Stay tuned to the Conservative Column.


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